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- Chris

- What!?

- Why the hell does you take so long every time she comes over?!?- Bradley approached Chris, who was working on his laptop.

- Bradley, I'm busy.

-Just tell me why, it keeps happening every saturday, come on, it's not that difficult to be on time.

- Hey but it's not my fault! - Chris raised his arms to show innocence - What happens is that SHE is the one who comes very early! We always meet in an hour and she comes like...20 minutes before! - Chris laughed - And you know I have work to do or get ready to go out. That's why, any problem?

-No... it's that yes. It's uncomfortable having her there waiting for you and me being there not knowing what to do.

He was probably saying this against his will, it was all very conflicting, between interacting or not with her anymore, in leaving her alone and stopping watching them walk out that door. At times he regretted that this whole thing had started.

-Oh, come on Bradley, she's lovely. You can open up to her! She can talk about literally everything, I figured you were getting along, or at least some of it she told me...

-What? She told you that?

- Something like that, I mean there were never any complaints, and she always leaves the apartment happy.

Either she was very good at pretending or she was simply ignorant of everything that was going on before she went out with Chris, she was still happy with her life and he was just exaggerating over something small. Now he felt childish, but of course, she knew nothing about what he was going through.

- What else does she say to you? Or you to her? - a pinch of curiosity arose now.

- You know, stuff about me, news of the day and anything else that comes to mind. She has gradually told me things about herself and seems to enjoy going out. I think she's still a little insecure. But you know, that eventually passes, she is really nice. And there is more!

- Ooook, ok- It was odd to think of her as insecure, but Chris was something, and after all this should all be strange to anyone, or at least that's how Bradley saw it. Not that she had been easy in the beginning either, but yeah, she was enjoying- I just want you to organize your schedules well.

- Do you have something against her or something?

- What? No! – Not really, or yes? No... In either case he didn't agree with anything.

- Okay, then you'll be fine with going to her house to meet her friend and her sister, we were invited to a lunch!

- What?!? Me!? - Bradley exclaimed perplexed, he didn't think they would join him too, his heart warmed slightly. But he was also scared, all this was getting too far, and that prick of sadness and frustration enveloped him again. Then not so insecure...

- Yeah! You! What did I tell you? She has nothing against you - or possibly it was all out of courtesy - So for tomorrow we have to look our best, go get a haircut you look like a bum.

- I don't look like that, and no, I'm not going to the launch.

- Why not?

- Clearly this invitation is only for you, Chris, I'll be uncomfortable there.

- You said you had nothing against her! - he began to raise his voice.

- I don't know anyone there, and there will be too many people and-

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