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She opened her eyes, and closed them again as she met the light coming through the window, at which she felt her head rise and fall along with loud breathing sounds. She remained immobile, only moving her eyes to the side to meet the surface she was resting on. Warm skin brushed against her cheek, with soft body hairs that made her eyes widen in surprise.


She probably had the wrong pillow to hug, and decided to play it cool, in this position she could hear his heartbeat, so peaceful now. It was obvious that it wasn't hard to tell the difference, but she loved to cuddle something in her sleep, and there he was, undeterred. Her hand in his ribs and his stretched out on the mattress. He probably didn't even notice I was here. That would be great, but what wasn't was to look up at the door and find Natali standing in the doorway with her eyes about to pop out and her mouth reaching the floor.

Stefani startled, her eyes widened, again. She didn't remember she would be here this morning, so she motioned for silence and tried to beckon her sister out of the room. The blush was increasing in her cheeks, without a doubt the image gave a lot to think about.

—It's not what you think —she immediately blurted out, finding her sister in the kitchen.

—Good morning to you too, sister! —Stefani rolled her eyes —And what do I think? — Natali asked amused.

—We haven't slept together.

—So, you tripped and fell on his bare chest until you fell asleep —she laughed and Stefani frowned.

—No! God, very funny... —she rolled her eyes — it wasn't like that!

—You said so sis —Natali shrugged her shoulders, loving seeing her older sister nervous and blushing —I thought you two didn't get along so well.

—Ugh, it's a long story, I'll tell you later —Natali smiled happily. At that moment Bradley appeared barely waking up.

He yawned and then opened his eyes again and saw Natali watching him.

—Ough, what? Natali? —he blushed and covered his body with his arms, Natali gave a little laugh when she saw him very nervous —Wh-What are you doing here?

—The question is... what are YOU doing here? This is my sister's apartment, and I come every Sunday.

—Natali! —Stefani scolded her.

—Indeed, in a while Sarah will come.

Bradley became alarmed and looked at Stefani, she back at him and took him to her room.

—Here, put this on —she gave him the tight t-shirt, looking his body. Why is he so gorgeous.

—This? And mine?

—That one was full of blood and sweat, I'm going to put it in the wash —Bradley raised his eyebrows gratefully and accepted Stefani's shirt. It was a little tight on his, but they had made it bigger enough.

—I have to go.

—Don't you want to have breakfast? We'll make eggs and sausage —she just wanted to spend more time with him. He hesitated a bit. He could say no and avoid an awkward situation and have coffee and bread with nothing for breakfast. Or accept the offer, eat a delicious breakfast and try to deal with a social crisis. Easy, right?

—Ok —Stefani smiled —but I don't want too many questions— Stefani nodded and went to the kitchen to let Natali know that one more portion would be added. She smiled mischievously at Stefani and she just rolled her eyes.

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