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He might not consider this a good date, and doesn't think she would either, but at least everything after the bar stayed calm and he can see a half-smile play on her lips as the taxi drives them back to the apartment.

Iris took him to a slightly distant hill, they stretched out on the grass and just stood there, one next to the other, saying nothing. He didn't know whether to apologize, he felt really embarrassed and no words could come out of his mouth. She was silent, so he was silent too.

-Who was she? - Iris snapped him out of his thoughts.

- Uh oh- he cleared his throat a bit, taking time to think of something to say- She... she is, someone I met recently, it's Chris's fault, ah, but she's a little bit crazy off, don't pay attention to her.

- Is it not an ex or something? - She asked innocently, watching him closely.

- What? No! I wouldn't be crazy to be with her, I met her recently - He raised his voice.

-Oh, sorry - She turned to look at the window. He didn't want to make her feel bad, after everything that happened last night.

- It's just that... I don't want to talk about it, it's not something important, ok? - He turned to see her.

- Okay- she smiled at him with closed lips.

When they arrived, they took off their seatbelts and entered the elevator to their floors.

-Thank you for this date- she said softly, the curves of her lips tilting upward.

- Eh, you're welcome - The elevator opened and he went out taking the keys to his door. When he goes to fit the key, he feels Iris touch his arm, he looked at her confused.

-Don't feel bad about tonight, I liked spending it with you- And with that she began to get closer to him. Bradley didn't know what to do. Stop her? Push her? Or just follow what she wants to do. He stayed static. When their lips were about to collide, the door opens with Chris barely stabilizing himself with one arm thrown on the wall and the other with a bottle of beer.

-I heard noise, hello Iris- Chris made a greeting as well.

Iris leaned to the side, giving Bradley a kiss on the cheek, then walked away to go to her door.

-Bye guys- She said before walking into the next door. Chris looked at Bradley with raised eyebrows and a grin.

-Apparently you did very well man- Chris gently patted Bradley on the back as they entered.

- Oh God, you can't imagine- Bradley whispered, scratching his head with both hands.

- Just look at it! You almost reached level two on the first date!

- Oh, shut up Chris, what you just saw is not even close to a reflection of what happened, that crazy woman reappeared.

- What? who?

- The girl from the bar, the one who yelled at us a few weeks ago.

- Oh nooooo, Bradley, what a luck! - He laughed - But look, you knew how to get out of it and your date almost ended excellent. If you got to sleep with her, it would be a great achievement.

- If you like her so much you can be with her ok? I'm tired,  shut up please and stop drinking- Bradley entered his room and automatically fell asleep at the first touch on his bed.


Bradley woke up to big sunbeams on a Saturday. He didn't feel hungover since he didn't get to drink almost anything the night before, he saw a note from Chris on the fridge announcing that he would be at his friend Joe's house during the day.

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