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As the food was served, Bradley increasingly regretted agreeing to stay. And it wasn't because of the food, when Stefani came out of the kitchen, she shot daggers at him with her eyes. He looked down, he could understand some of her annoyance.

- Chris, Stefani told us that you have exquisite taste in Italian food- Sarah looked to the side, where Chris was. At the circular table Chris had sat next to Stefani, on the other side of her was Natali, and then Bradley. Sarah between him and Chris. The bad thing is that in that position he was in front of Stefani, who kept giving him a mean look, or at least that's what he felt, without a doubt there was no smile or a welcome.

- Wow, not so much, I like it a lot, but who is very critical on the subject is Br- Bradley coughed immediately- Hey are you okay?

-No, yes, I'm fine - He made one last fake cough, feeling all eyes on him, his body warmed up with embarrassment- It must be the sauce, just... just say what you think of the food.

- What's in the sauce? - Stefani protested and narrowed her eyes. He forked up a mouthful of spaghetti with a piece of meatball and held it in front of him.

- No, nothing, it's-

-I think it's perfect, seriously Stefani, you're very good- Chris praised her and she smiled at him in gratitude. Apparently on the spot he squeezed her knee lightly in congratulations, because for a few seconds he saw Chris's hand go up and down. His stomach turned and he wanted to wash his eyes to erase all those displays of affection.

The dish was actually good, maybe with less salt in the sauce would be perfect, but he probably wouldn't admit that to Stefani, and well, he didn't think his opinion mattered to her either. After all, "The great critic of Italian food" here was Chris. And Bradley knew very well that himself, only himself, had gotten into this hole, anyway, that didn't stop him from feeling terrible. He didn't know how much he was going to endure. If only it were that easy...

-It's my grandparents recipe, from Italy, it has been passed down generation after generation- she said proudly.

-Yes, Stefani loves to cook, too bad I didn't have that skill too- Natali laughed.

- Oh don't say that! - Stefani rubbed her sister's shoulder.

-By the way Brad, what a great haircut- Chis blurted out out of nowhere. Again, all eyes on him. At this point he didn't know if Chris was doing it on purpose, he knew clearly that he hated being the center of attention. And from Stefani's face, he had a feeling that she didn't like being taken away from that position.

-What? Wasn't it like that? - Natali asked.

- No, it was longer, almost like Kurt Cobain's- Chris answered for him.

- Is that true? - This time Natali addressed Bradley, looking at him only turning her head, since he was at her side.

- I just wanted a change- Bradley took the drink to avoid saying more. Stefani noticed how her sister wouldn't stop looking at him, even when he was just drinking. She scolded her with her eyes, Natali noticed and just played innocent. She had noticed the haircut too, it was so obvious the difference. It made him look cleaner, and more handsome, she had to admit. Messy short hair suited him.

- Much needed – She blurted out and Bradley raised his gaze to her, swallowing water. He perceived a slight ironic tone in her voice. Chris just let out a small laugh, it made sense since he thought the same thing.

- Do you like it too? - he said with the intention of finishing this, giving her back an answer that would put her in the same position he felt. Everyone present had fallen silent.

She hadn't expected an answer, least of all one like that, nor that all eyes at the table to be on her, expectant of her response. Her eyes widened for second and cheeks flusehd, she had no intention of answering, seeing a hint of the corners of his mouth repressing a lift she knew he knew what he was doing. She looked for help as she quickly ate a piece of meat, turned to Natali, who was looking at her with a slightly raised eyebrow, she kicked her from underneath giving her a signal, she groaned but complied with the message.

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