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-Bradley please, throw away that old computer, it wouldn't hurt to buy a laptop- Chris pointed to the machine on the desk in the corner.

- It doesn't hurt you, leave it there.

-And also tidy your room, there are many papers here.

-Leave that there too, they are my scripts, they are important- he said seriously.

-God, but at least clean or order something, so it doesn't look like homeless people live here- Chris went to the bathroom. And there was a knock on the door.

-Stop giving me orders... and since when do you worry so much about that!?!?- Bradley yelled in the hallway, quickly going to open the door- Oh God, stop knocking! - He yelled irritated and opened the door, to finally find himself to the hazel -eyed blonde who he couldn't stop thinking.

-You...- he murmured low with his mouth half open. He did not expect to meet her again in such a short time.

-Yes, I, uh... if it's a bad time I can come back later- Stefani responded self-consciously.

He froze and Chris just appeared behind him - Oh you're here- Chris pushed Bradley away and greeted Stefani with a kiss on the cheek- You can wait in the living room. I'll be back in a bit - And he disappeared again.

No wonder Chris was so concerned about cleanliness.

Stefani was looking at him and he realized that he was blocking her way, he moved and she went to the nearby couch to read a magazine that was on the coffee table.

He sat in the side couch in front of the TV to watch anything, he had no choice since she grabbed his weekly movie news magazine. Every few 10 seconds he turned to look at her. And obviously she noticed.

-Do I have something on my face or ...? - she turned to him, touching her cheek in search of something strange.

He didn't know if she was joking or if was serious - Ah eh no, no- he shook his head and went back to watch the game. He was about to leave the room because he was nervous being there until he heard the sound of tearing paper.

- Oh, I'm sorry- He saw that a part of the page of the magazine had torn, she noticed his glance at her as soon as it sounded - When I was turning the page it tore a little, it's small ah, sorry, it's from Chris or...?

- It's mine.

- Oh, you also like movies too, then?

She remembers that.



- But I guess no more than Chris, he's a big movie nerd - she wanted to joke with him to lighten the mood. But just being reminded that things weren't really like that didn't ease Bradley's frustration, but only increased it. And the worst thing is that he couldn't do anything about it, he didn't have the courage to face reality, nor what he did. He was embarrassed and wouldn't do something to Chris like that either, with how happy he looked now. She noticed that he didn't like the joke at all while she saw how he tensed his jaw- Ah, sorry, I just thought that... since he's a big fan-

- Just don't tell him about this- Bradley cut her off with a very serious tone for his liking, he pointed to the magazine so she would understand what he meant, picked it up and took it to his room. Stefani watched him go, confused, she was just trying to make conversation.

Bradley ran into a very ready to go Chris and he asked him if he looked okay, Bradley nodded, indicating that she was still there. Chris patted his shoulder with a smile. And that slapping and those awkward conversations were repeated for three weeks, three weekends of going out to who knows where, he didn't dare ask and didn't know how he survived it.

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