🔍The scavenger hunt 🔍

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I had been feeling sick all week and realized I missed my cycle, so now I'm sitting on the lou looking at the pregnancy test with a hopeful look. "How much longer?" I ask Hermione, She looks at the timer on her phone "thirty seconds" I groan and get up from the toilet. "I really nervous Hermy!" She scoffs "I told you to ever call me that again! And it's okay take a deep breath." I giggle and breathe "but it's so funny to see your reaction." The timer then went off, I walked over to the test and picked it up, when I saw the result I started to cry. "Well?" She asks, I held it up to her "It's positive!" I nod and she squeals wrapping me in her arms. "We have to tell Grayson in a creative way, this will be our last baby." We both think "what do you think of a scavenger hunt mione?" She smiles "that's so cute! Come on! Let's go figure out what to do.

Later on we had it all together, she took the kids for a little while and left me at the house with the clues and Grayson. I was hiding with Hedwig and our dog snuffles in the closet. "Hi I'm home!" Grayson looks around hoping to be with his wife and kids after quidditch practice. "It's so quiet, where is everyone?" I watch him from the little slit area as he walks to the kitchen. "What's this?" He walks up to it first clue that was on the back door. He opens the envelope and reads it out. "Hey baby! I'm so glad your here! It's been a long day, maybe you should grab yourself a beer?" He looks at the card and walks over to the fridge grabbing a beer. He reads the next card "the next clue on your hunt will keep you on your toes, go to the place where we hang our clothes." I hear him walk up the stairs and open our closet doors. I walk out and put the next clue on the door and go back I got he closet. "Another one? Now go ahead and get changed for the day, once your comfy find your next clue where the records play!" He heads down the stairs to their old record player. "Wanting more? Why don't you check the front door!" He walks over to the front door taking off the next clue. "Don't worry your search is almost over, check behind the tv and you'll get some closure!" He walks to the next clue behind the tv opening the envelope. "Before the hunt ends give me some lovin' then go look there's something baking in the oven!" I step out quietly with the animals. "There you are! Have you been in there the whole time?" I laugh and nod, he wraps his arms around me and kisses me "it told me to give you some lovin' now I'm off to the kitchen." He walks over to the oven, pulling down the oven door, he reads out the last clue. "The suspense is over, you don't have to wait anymore! The surprise is that our sweet little family is increasing to four!" He turns to me with a smile "are you serious!?" I nod tearing up "we are having another baby!" He runs over picking me up and twirling me in his arms. "We need to tell the kids and our families!"

The next week after we told the kids, we were having our family and friends come over to the house. "Alright, everything is ready to go!" I nod to my husband "I'm so excited!" He laughs pulling me to him "remember kids don't say anything about the baby until we say to, ok?" The three nods going back up the stairs.

Soon everyone was there, we set up a dinner that consisted of vegetable beef soup among other things. We all walked outside to sit in the gardens, "we have a announcement.." we look over to the kids nodding our heads at our Intrigued family and friends. " momma is having a baby!" The three kids yell with smiles, everyone cheers with excitement. "I love Mrs Weasley" Grayson tells me kissing me "I love you too Mr Weasley" sealing our night with a kiss.

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