Receipent: Ominis Gaunt, 1892

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It has come to our attention that you have been fraternizing with a muggle born student. To say we are appalled is an understatement. I demand that you cut all ties with her immediately. Imagine my horror when I was informed that not only is her blood unclean but she has also invaded the Slytherin house.

Failure to comply will result in immediate action from us. Shall I remind you of the consequences, should you find yourself unable to end this relationship? We are more than willing to eliminate any threats or distractions. You will not keep the company of lesser wizards, Ominis.

If you do recall, we have graciously allowed you to continue to associate with the Sallow's but it is becoming increasingly apparent that you will not listen to reason. I highly suggest you end this frivolous friendship with Mr.Sallow as well before your seventh year is completed.

Your father and I will no longer tolerate this disrespectful behavior and we will not allow you to tarnish this family's reputation and blood line. Do not disappoint me.

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