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I can not believe I agreed to this.

He's going to see right through my lie. Merlin, I am such an idiot.

Olivia snuck out of the castle almost two hours ago, while Sebastian had been locked inside the library. However his detention was about to conclude and I still didn't have an explanation as to where she was.

"I need you to do me a favor."

"What is it?"

"I need to go somewhere, Sebastian can't know."


"I can't... tell you."

"Then no."

"Ominis, please."


"I need to meet someone, it's important."




"You need to swear you will not say anything. Or... ask me any questions."


"Ominis, please."

"For Merlin's sake. Fine, I promise."



"Please be louder, I don't think the entire castle heard you!"



"Absolutely not. What if this is a trick, you can not go alone."

"I won't, I'll ask Natty or Garreth to come with me."


"Fine. I'll ask Skye or Beau to accompany me."

"That is worse!"

"I'm going Ominis."


"Keep him busy. I will be back soon."

"Soon? Wait- you're going now?"

"Yes. I'm counting on you."

I wasn't sure which part of this was more anxiety inducing, the fact that Olivia could be in danger or that she genuinely could be seeing Anne. The carpet most certainly had a hole in it due to my constant pacing.

Perhaps if I also vanished he would assume we had gone somewhere together. I spun on my heel with every intention to walk out of the dorm when the I heard the lock click.


"Oh! I was just about to go looking for you."

"Well, you found me."

"Where's Olivia?"

"With Baker and Cromwell."

"Oh. Doing what?" I could hear the sneer. Merlin, he's so annoying.

"Not sure, they went out."

"Out? As in left the castle?"

"Yes, you deserve an O for your observation skills."

"You let her leave? With two guys?"

"I didn't let her do anything, I do not control her or have any say in where she goes or with whom."


"We cannot keep her confined to the castle."

"Bloody hell, Ominis! You know she has a knack for getting into trouble-"

"So do you." He muttered something under his breath, I rolled my eyes and continued my path towards the door. "Would you like to accompany me to Hogsmead? Or would you prefer to stay here and pout for the rest of the evening?"

"What for?"

"I'm craving a butterbeer."

"Drowning our sorrows, are we?"

"Perhaps you are, but I simply would like to indulge in a refreshing beverage."

"You are such a pompous ass, Ominis."

"Why, thank you."

I had grossly underestimated the sheer amount of jealousy and possessiveness Sebastian was capable of feeling.

It had been fifteen minutes of incessant remarks and grumbling, I was quickly regretting the invitation I had extended.

Choosing to tune him out, my thoughts drifted towards Anne. I was not to proud to admit that I also felt a small pang of jealousy. Not that Baker and Cromwell were alone with Olivia but that they may have been offered the chance to converse with Anne.

She rarely wrote and when I did receive a letter, it was vague updates on where she was currently residing with the ever constant reminder that her illness still had no cure and subsequently was not getting any better. Her favorite sentence being that she was "managing it." Those notes simply served as more correspondence to keep hidden from Sebastian.

To say I wasn't still reeling from the information that she had asked to meet and with Olivia of all people, would be an understatement. I had no idea the two harbored any type of relationship at all. I knew they have had conversation in the past but I had operated under the assumption that Ollie was doing it for Sebastian's sake, nothing more.

The Sallows were not a topic of conversation, especially Anne. Something had to be quite important if she was willing to risk Sebastian finding out, should she be spotted. But... could it really be that important if she wasn't inclined to inform me?

Why Olivia? Why now? Why-

Sebastian's voice raised multiple octaves, his incoherent screech interrupting my thoughts, "what?"

"I thought I saw... nevermind." His pace quickened.

"Can you slow down? I was enjoying my stroll."

"What? Oh. Yeah...sorry." His entire demeanor had changed, I fought the urge to roll my eyes. His mood swings were challenging my patience faster than usual today.

"Are you alright?"


"I can clearly tell that something is bothering you and I am not referring to your mind numbing complaints about Baker flirting with Ollie." He stopped abruptly, my face colliding with his back. "What the hell, Sebastian?"

"Did you see that?"

"No, Sebastian, I didn't." I couldn't keep the ire out of my tone.

I was met with silence, he hadn't moved an inch. "Are you going to explain or am I going to have to guess?"

There was a sharp intake of breath and then he began running.

What on Earth-

"Sebastian!" My legs began running on their own, following the rapidly disappearing footsteps. Tripping hazards disguised as rocks and tree roots demanded my attention, failing to acknowledge them, I went tittering forward. My knees slammed into the hard dirt, wand catapulting out of my outstretched palm.


"SEBASTIAN!" There was no response, in fact, I couldn't hear him at all.

The temperature suddenly plummeted, the wind sang warnings in my ears. All noise from the adjacent street dulling almost instantly, the sounds of rustling leaves the only break in the eerie silence.

I didn't need sight to confirm my suspicions, we had entered the forbidden forest and Sebastian was content with leaving me behind.

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