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Relief flooded my veins, there she was. Paler than normal, almost sickly looking but she was there, in front of me. I yanked Ominis' arm, dragging him through the crowd of students.

I watched as a first year pulled on her robes, a polite yet fake smile formed on her lips. She interlaced her shaking hands behind her back. Her voice rose to an unnatural octave as she tried to mask her sorrow with a cheap imitation.

"I didn't have him, what was the class?"

"He teaches- taught Magical Theory."

"He sounds like he was a wonderful professor."

"He was the best." The closer we approached, the more apparent it became that it wasn't just her hands shaking but her entire body, "he is a hero. Which is why we are honoring him today."

She seemed to sense Ominis and I behind her but did not turn around. The tension in her shoulders was confirmation enough. She kept her focus on the first year who seemed overly interested in Fig.

"How did h-"

Twelve chimes from the bell tower sounded, signaling noon. Quiet whispers paired with sympathetic glances landed on Olivia's exposed skin. Still, her eyes never wavered from the small Gryffindor.

The courtyard went still and silent as the professors walked through the castle doors single file, Black bringing up the rear. In unison they rose their wands towards the sky.

Black's voice boomed, "Wands up!"

Olivia tilted her face up, tears threatening to spill and raised her arm, her wand shook in her grip.

Cutting the tense silence, the first year screamed. "FOR PROFESSOR FIG!"

Olivia took in a gasping breath.

Across the yard, another student shouted, "For Fig!"

I swallowed hard and yelled towards the sun, "For Fig!" And for her.

Ominis followed suit, "For Professor Fig!"

She looked like she was about collapse, Ominis took a cautious step forward. His body now flush against hers, her knees began to wobble. Side stepping so that my arm brushed her side, I reached for her robes. She made a small fragile noise before sagging into us and closing her eyes.

She spoke in a meek whisper, her voice on the edge of breaking. "For Eleazer Fig. Thank you." It sounded like an apology.

A long moment of silence blanketed the school accompanied by a sea of starlight tipped wands saying goodbye, hers glowed the brightest. A small respite from the chaos, it was almost serene. The moment ended far too soon. Black began speaking but what he was droning on about was lost to me.

"Olive-" she stiffened in my grip, keeping her eyes forward. Blatantly refusing to meet my gaze.

"Thank you... miss?" She looked back down at the first year and swallowed hard.

She looks like she is going to be sick.

"Olivia, and of course. If you ever need anything, feel free to seek me out. Now, if you'll excuse me-" her voice broke, the facade snapping with it. Her smile dropped as a tear slid down her face. She turned and bolted towards the castle.

For Merlin's sake.

"Oliv-" my yell was cut off by the Gryffindor first year.

"Is Miss Olivia okay?"

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