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"Do not touch me." The voice did not belong to Olivia. The face did not belong to her either. I was looking at a wholly different being.

Marvolo leaned in closer and whispered something in her ear. Her body tensed and fear flashed in her eyes for a brief second before the mask slipped back into place.

Leave her alone. She doesn't deserve this.

"Sorry little brother, I plan on keeping this one for myself."

That disgusting son of a bitch.

I began to simmer with rage. My chest tightened uncomfortably, she was not a toy to be won. I dug my nails into the man's arm but his grip only tightened. I contemplated head butting him for a second time.

I'm sure if I broke his nose, he would let me go.

I glanced back at Ominis who remained unmoving, eyes cast to the floor. The whites of his knuckles around his wand being the only indication that he was even present at all.

Come on, Omi. Snap out of it. We need you.

My attention returned to Olivia. Ice skittered down my spine at the look in her eye. There was nothing mortal left on her features. White gleamed from her fingertips.

Ancient magic.

Oh fuck.

"Ominis!" My warning cry so muffled, he didn't even look up.

I began bucking and thrashing, "Ominis! Omin-"

The room began to shake, white light pulsating at Olivia's fingers. Her hand began to glow as she slowly rose her right arm, halting it in midair. Ominis stood directly in its path.

Was she trying to hurt Ominis?

No. She wouldn't.


Not Ominis.

Her eyeline extended past him, her outstretched hand pointed in the direction towards his mother.

It seems she had come to the same conclusion I did. She hurtled for the open door, a horrific scream leaving her lips.

In a swift motion, a stream of ancient magic shot straight for the ceiling, causing the wall to collapse, blocking the parlor entrance with debris. Effectively sealing us inside.

Merlin's beard.

"What the fuck was that?" Marvolo's voice cracked, I turned my head expecting to be met with a terrified expression but he was... smiling.

A sinister smirk that put his father's to shame was plastered on his face. His hands greedily pulled her closer to him, "my my my... it seems Ominis failed to mention a few important details, my little puppet."

Her body was trembling... no, vibrating with power. But she made no further move to escape his grip.

Her still outstretched hand wobbled to the side, fingers furling into a fist for a millisecond before opening again. A ball of white flung from her palm and directly into Ominis' father, his body flew backwards and tumbled into the couch on the other side of the room.

"Olivia, please stop this." Ominis sounded angry?

Is he cross with her? There is no way in hell-

"Listen to him, girl. Throwing a tantrum is not going to aid you in your frivolous quest of escaping."

"Be quiet, mother."

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