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The sound of a second slap encompassed the Gaunts drawing room but Ominis did not balk.

"I am quite tired of pleading for the things that I want."

What did he mean? I can't remember a time where he mentioned that his family had reached out to him.

Why wouldn't he tell us?

What request did they ask of him? Has he been keeping things from us?

No. Ominis would never. They're lying, they want a reaction. A reason to continue to hurt us. I won't give it to them.

I bit at the hand that was covering my mouth. "You really are a rabid beast." I continued to struggle, saliva pooling at the corner of my mouth. "Ominis, your girlfriend is actually trying to bite me."

I almost laughed at how shocked he sounded. "Let me go!"

One look at Sebastian proved that he wasn't faring any better. "Get your fucking hands off of me or I swear-"

"It seems they are not house trained." The back of Sebastian's head rammed into the nose of the guard that was holding him. Low muttered curses followed but he was not released from his grasp.

"Ominis, this is your last chance." His father's wand slid into his palm.

"I will not hurt them."

Another slap. Sebastian's movements halted. I couldn't force my eyes off the ground. Couldn't force myself to look. Not at poor Ominis who was being punished, for us. For me.

Because he was refusing to hurt me.

"You have the audacity to disobey orders?"

"Do it." It was barely a whisper but I know everyone in the room heard it. Sebastian's face snapped to mine. I glanced up at him from beneath my eyelashes. His head slightly tilted in a nod of understanding.

"Do it, Ominis."

"Wh- what?" His voice shook with anger.

"Ominis. Please. Do it." I forced myself to look at him and even though he couldn't see it, I let a genuine empathetic smile don my face. "It's okay."

"Come on, brother. She's practically begging for it." Ominis' back stiffened.

"Shut up, Marvolo."

"It's okay, mate. Do it." Sebastian repeated in a calm tone.

"No." His wand shook in his grip.

"Now now Ominis, your friends are displaying such loyalty to you. You aren't going to throw their gesture back in their faces, are you?" His father crossed the room, back to me. His wand titling my face up, "I'm surprised however... That you would be so willing to stand up for my son when he is the sole reason that you are in this predicament in the first place."


Though I didn't say anything, I could feel the question was written all over my face. I attempted to school my face into neutrality, but it was too late. "Oh... you don't know." A wave of nausea surged through me.

"Stop speaking." Ominis' voice sounded strained.

"Mind your mouth, boy. I do not take orders from you." Mr.Gaunt's attention slid back to me, a sinister smirk on his lips. "We requested that our son end his relationship with you and Mr.Sallow. A few times, actually. We made it quite clear to him what the repercussions would be, should he choose to continue to deny us."

My heart slammed in my chest. All the air felt like it was sucked out of the room. Tears stung my eyes. I would have sunk to my knees if I wasn't being held up.

We go down, togetherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora