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People make mistakes, it is an inevitable consequence of being human.

I am a creature made up solely of mistakes.

It is my life's only purpose to remedy those mistakes.

Once those are finally corrected, I can surrender.


Mistake number one:
"Olivia, not now."

"Father, something is-"

"I said not now."

"But something-"

"Olivia, can't you see that your father and I are busy?"

"Yes but-"

"What is it Olivia?"

"Something is wrong!"

"What ever is the mat-"


"Help me. Help me. Help me!"

"Get back!"

"Help me!"

"Olivia, your... your eyes!"

"Mother, please!"

"Stay away from her Olivia! Did you not hear me? Stay back!"

A single step changed the trajectory of my existence. My hand helplessly reached out towards my parents, heat surged from my fingertips. A blinding white light enveloped the family room and raced forward, directly into my mother's chest. Her eyes widened in fear, an animalistic scream ripped out of her. Her body crumpled in on itself like a puppet whose strings were cut.


"What have you done? You are a monster!"

"Father, I-"

"Stay back!"

Terror and rage fought for dominance inside of me, my body shook uncontrollably. My father crouched above my mother's bloodied body, his face contorted into a mask of emotion I had never seen before. I stood frozen in horror as he stood and reached for a nearby vase. His arm lifted the glass, instinctively I threw my hands up in a feeble attempt to protect myself. The heat sprung out of my open palm a second time, colliding with my father. I watched as he clasped his stomach and stumble towards the ground, the thud accompanied by glass shattering.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean too-"

"I never loved you."


"Do not call me that. I always knew something was wrong with you. Always felt it."

"You don't mean that-"

"I mean every word... you are a monster."


"Father, please! Wake up! Fath- dad? Da- don't leave me! Don't..."

Hours were spent in that blood splattered room before someone found us.

It's his hate filled eyes that I see staring back at me.

Mistake number two:
"Where's Sebastian?"

"Inside the catacombs. I'm surprised you weren't with him."

"Ominis, I-"

"Just stop! You swore you wouldn't let him take this any further, yet here we are."

We go down, togetherWhere stories live. Discover now