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Ten insufferably long minutes of total silence.

I was buzzing with nervous energy and the quiet was becoming intolerable. I was quickly missing the loud chatter of the hallways. The roads had been desolate which only added to the uncomfortable atmosphere of this walk I forced upon my new companions. It felt like they were waiting for me to crack, as if I was being interrogated.

I can't believe they agreed to this.

I can't believe I asked two strangers to stop working and play bodyguard.

"So... Cromwell, Baker-"

"Skye, my name is Skye, darling."

"Baker." From the corner of my eye I could see his mouth quirk upward. "Thank you for accompanying me, I apologize if this excursion gets in the way of your work. I'm sure you both are very busy."

"You sound alarmingly like Gaunt."

"We are colleagues, are we not?"

"I do not converse with my friends in such a professional manner. Isn't that right, Beau?"

"We're friends?" Beau's quip caught me off guard, a snort escaped me, I slammed a hand over my mouth.

"You wound me, Cromwell." Beau gave no further response, a small pout played on Skye's lips. "So Bennett, who are we going to meet and why must it be kept a secret?"

"A friend, and I never said it was a secret."

"There is only one reason why you would ask two people you have just met instead of the two who are glued to your side. Is it Gaunt or Sallow?"

I blew out a breath, "Sallow."


"Do behave, Baker."

"Ignore him, please tell us about this friend."

It was an effort to keep my voice steady, "her name is Anne, she used to be a student. She doesn't attend anymore due to an incurable illness."

Beau tilted his head towards me, "can I inquire as to what she is diagnosed with?"

"She was cursed."

"A curse?"

"It was a few years ago. She was taken to many healers, even St.Mungo's but no one was able to help her."

"I see."

Conversation died down as we neared the meeting spot, anxiety pooled in my stomach as her small frame came into view. I left the two men and began my ascent up the hill towards the large tree she was leaning against. My feet grew heavier with each step.

She turned to face me, tired eyes locking with mine. It was evident the past two years had not been kind. She was truly a shell of what she used to be. Deep purple shadowed her eyes, pale skin drawn tight across her cheekbones. Only a whisper of freckles remained visible, a stark contrast to the many dark constellations that littered her brother's face.

Hair pulled back in its signature bun was dull and lifeless. Collarbone protruding sharply under the scarf that hung loosely around her. Fabrics completely engulfed her petite stature, clothing pooling in awkward areas making her look horrifyingly fragile.

Oh Anne.

My throat began to close, the sting of tears threatening to spill, I blinked them away. How I regretted not knowing who she was before the curse, the Anne that Sebastian and Ominis talk lovingly about. I hate that my only version is a ghost. It's not fair. She deserves to graduate, to experience the world, to live. Sebastian deserves to have his sister in his life, present and healthy. The thought of the plight of the Sallow siblings constricted my airway further.

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