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"Thank you for agreeing to see me. This letter is for Sebastian, please see that he gets it."

"Sebastian is-"

"I'm leaving."


"I can't stay here, I'm sorry."


"He made his choice and... and it wasn't me. He murdered Solomon."

"Anne, he was only trying to protect you, you must understand, the relic-"

"Relic or not, he is no longer my brother."

"Anne, surely you don't mean that."

"I do. I'm sure Olivia won't agree but I believe he should answer for his crime."

"You wish to turn him in?"

"Yes! Don't you?"

"I- I don't know. I'm appalled by his actions and I am upset with him but this is a very complicated situation, it's... Sebastian."

"He used an unforgivable, Ominis. The killing curse! There is nothing complicated about it! If there was anyone who could understand where I'm coming from I- I thought it would be you. You know first hand what wielding such magic costs, what it does to your soul. I- we tried to stop him but he refused to listen!"

"Anne, please-"

"No, I'm sorry. He is a murderer. I can't pretend that everything is okay, that we can just go back to normal. I don't even think I could stomach looking at him right now. I will never forgive him for what he did."


"No. I made my decision, I'm leaving."

"Wait! Stay. For me. Don't go. I know I'm not perfect and we don't always see eye to eye but I promise to try my best to remedy this. Please, Anne, I'm begging you. Stay, let me take care of this, of you!"


"Please, I- I need you. I-"

"Ominis, you are so dear to me. I will cherish you always but I-"

"You do not harbor any feelings for me."

"No, and even if I did, why are you telling me this now?"

"I needed to say it, at least once. In case I never got the chance to-"

"I know. I'm sorry that I'm leaving you with such a mess."

"Promise me you'll be safe."

"I promise."

"There's truly nothing I can say to make you stay?"

"I need to do this. I will drown in my grief in that hamlet."

"I understand. Goodbye, Annie."

"Hey, for what it's worth, I've noticed how you look at her. You've never looked at me that way. Perhaps it's worth considering, when you are ready. I think she could be really good for you."

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm blind, darling."

"Goodbye, Omi."

She knew. She had always known. It was never her. Not really. She was an idealistic fantasy that I had unconsciously turned into an object that could be attainable.

It wasn't love and it wasn't fair for me to use as a way to keep her close. I understand now that I was still too naive to grasp what it truly meant.

Love is painful and debilitating. But also thirst quenching and tendor. Most importantly, theirs is unconditional and it knows no bounds. As gut wrenching as the notion is, they would kill for the people they love and I finally understood why they did it. Why he did it.

I realized yesterday that the love I felt for Anne pales in comparison to that of Olivia and Sebastian. For they are the air that my lungs have selfishly chosen to breathe, oxygen that I fear I will suffocate without.

"I love you." Her words sliced deeper than any knife I could bring to my skin.

That phrase was a bittersweet dream. If only it was meant in the way that I so desperately craved.

I love you.

The syllables gathered on my tongue but I refused to form the sentence.

She needed comfort and stability, now more than ever. I could be that. I took in one last greedy gulp of air and became the man she needed me to be.

"I know."

We go down, togetherWhere stories live. Discover now