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"I would like to say we are disappointed in you, however your execution of the cruciatus curse was impeccable." Each syllable felt like a punch to the gut.

"Hello, mother."

"You kept us waiting, Ominis." I stiffened at the sound of my fathers grating voice.

"Are you done gallivanting with your... friends?" The word friend seemed foul coming off her tongue.

"Please, let them go."

"Now why would I let my new pet go? It is to my understanding that your brothers have taken quite a liking to it."


"She is a human being, not some toy." I seethed.

"I think she makes a rather nice pet. When her mouth is closed, that is." My brother leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "nothing a little training can't fix."

You are absolutely vile.

"You lay another finger on her and I-"

"You'll what?" His cologne overwhelmed my senses.

I feel like I'm suffocating. I need air. I need to get out of this room... this house.

"I'll kill you." The words tumbled out of my mouth.

"Enough with the theatrics, I mean really Ominis." I could feel the glare coming from my mother. "Aren't idle threats beneath you?"

"Let them go. Please, mother."

"I believe I gave you ample time to break it off. These are the consequences of your actions. It is time that you take accountability."

Accountability? Is she being bloody serious?

Anger was seeping from my pores, "with all due respect, I refuse to cut ties with them."

"You would choose them over your own family?"

Family. What a joke. This isn't a family.

She's just trying to provoke you, calm down.

Against my better judgment, my mouth formulated a response. "Always. They are my family and I will always choose them."

"Again with the dramatics."

"They mean everything to me." Shaking my head desperately, "I will do anything."

It was not my mother but my father who spoke up, "anything?"

I know that tone. He is going to demand something costly of me. Something I may not be able to give.

However, for them.

For them, I would burn down the entire wizarding world.


"Cast an unforgivable curse on each one and we will let them leave." My mouth slightly dropped but I quickly clamped it shut.

Of course. Why am I not surprised. What an idiotic statement to attempt to make.

"Oh, piss off!" Sebastian's voice boomed through drawing room.

Merlin above. Dammit Sebastian.

"Ah, I see our guests have arrived." Multiple people entered the room. "Good evening, Mr.Sallow." I heard him stand and walk across the room, it took everything in my power to stand still. "Hello, my dear. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I have heard so much about you."

"Pleasure." Olivia's cold voice bit out.

"My my, she is feisty." My father made his way back towards me, "it is a shame that you can't see, Ominis. Your companions faces are truly priceless."

"I demand that you let us go, all three of us." Olivia's bravado only wavered momentarily but it was enough to make my brothers snicker.

"And I would like a son who doesn't make a mockery of his family. Seems we both won't be getting what we want."

Do not let them goad you.

"Hasn't that school taught you any manners? Or do all muggleborns behave like rabid beasts?" My jaw clenched at my mothers words. "Haven't you been told to treat your elders with respect?"

Take a breath, she is hoping for a reaction.

"I only show respect to those who deserve it." Olivia cleared her throat before continuing, her voice growing louder. "But if you wish to be placated, I do apologize if I appear to be in a foul mood. I did spend the entire night being tortured by your sons."

Merlin, she is going to crack any second. I can hear it in her voice.

"Oh please, we were just having some fun. You seemed to enjoy it."

"Fun? You have a very twisted definition of the word fun." I could feel Sebastian's anger radiating off of him.

"What will it be, Ominis?"

I need to get her and Sebastian out.

"If I do what you are asking of me, you will let all three of us leave?"

"But of course. However, our original request still stands."


That is not a request.

"I will not."

"Excuse me?" My mother rose from her chair and stalked over to me. I braced myself for her cutting words.

But it was not words that were thrown at me.

The back of her hand connected with my face. Sebastian and Olivia began screaming. "Leave him alone!"

"Silence." Jostling sounded behind me and their yells became muffled.

"Get off of me!"

"Let us go!" Her whimper sounded desperate.

"I am tired of your obnoxious disrespectful behavior towards this family."

I straightened my spine and glared towards her voice. "I am quite tired of pleading for the things that I want."

We go down, togetherWhere stories live. Discover now