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The air was dry despite the proximity to the river. This place never felt like home but now even the scent seemed foreign. Something burning became increasingly more apparent as we neared.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Sebastian's whisper was accompanied by a thud and then the distinct sound of boots being dragged.

Well. At least he didn't resort to unforgivables immediately.

"Bombarda!" I aimed the blast towards the back gate in hopes to distract the guards on the roof.

"Go go go!"

With Sebastian hot on my heels, I ran directly towards the brick wall that encased the manor. We cast disillusionment and plastered ourselves against the brick until we became one with it.

"You take the two on the left, I will take the others on the right." He didn't wait for a response.

Using my wand as a guide, I easily located my targets. Angling towards the first guard, I took aim. "Expelliarmus! Stupefy!" He staggered back a step but I didn't give him time to right himself, "Petrificus Totalus!"

Right, one more then.

"Accio! Descendo!" Something cracked as the guard's body smashed to the ground, I fought the shiver that shot up my spine.

I dragged the first body back towards the treeline and quickly did the same to other.

Merlin. I hope Sebastian is alright.

As if summoned, I heard familiar footsteps approaching, "Ominis?"

"Over here."

"Three more guards and then we can enter that room."

"Are you sure she's in there?"

"She has to be."

Her scream still echoed in my ear. I am going to kill my brothers for the pain they have caused her.

We slid along the brick wall until fingers met the metal entrance. Well... now comes the riveting part.

"How do we open it without being seen?" Sebastian's breath was hot on my ear as he whispered. I resisted the urge to shove him back.

"Very carefully."

Agonizingly slow we inched the gate open just enough to slip through and repeated the process when closing it.

"I'm going to take care of the one stationed at the door, wait here." I heard him sneak away as I cautiously backed towards the wall.

Moments felt like hours before his shuffling steps returned and a breathless Sebastian yanked my arm forward. "Quickly!"

I staggered behind him until we came to an abrupt stop. "Sebastian, will you pl-"

"Protego!" Sebastian's voice boomed.

Multiple sets of footsteps invaded the quiet. I held my wand in front of me, trying to get a better grip of who we were facing.

"Ah, the young master has returned." Irritation slithered up my spine, "we have been expecting you... and master Sallow." His voice dripping with disgust.

I straightened, "You will not speak to my guest in such a manor. You are lucky that I don't rip out your tongue for the blatant disrespect."

"With all due respect my lord-"


Sebastian tensed beside me, "I believe we have gotten off on the wrong foot here gentleman, we are just here to- oh bloody hell." Spells began flying.

We go down, togetherWhere stories live. Discover now