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There is something liberating about sharing a meal with a group of people who know nothing about you. No eggshells needing to be walked upon, no topics prematurely considered taboo, just friendly conversation.

Skye and Beau were a treasure trove of unique stories and differing perspectives. It was easy talking with them, their personalities reminding me oddly of Sebastian and Ominis. I was actually enjoying their company, my cheeks had begun to hurt from laughing.

"Can I get you folks anything else? Say, Olivia, shouldn't you be heading back to the castle?"

"What time is it?"

"Half past eight."

"Oh Merlin! Yes! Thank you, Sirona! I'll be right up to pay for the bill!"

"You do not need to pay for us, Miss Bennett."

"I do! Baker is right, I owe you for accompanying me and for taking up so much of your time. I didn't realize how late it had gotten."

"As you wish, merci beaucoup."

"You are shameless, Beaufort."

"Spare me." I heard Skye snickering behind me.

"Where are the boys?"

"You know Sebastian."

Sirona shook her head, "detention." I slid her a few galleons, "thank you, kindly. Who are the newbies?"


Her nose scrunched in thought as she peered over at them, "what business are you keeping these days?"

"Believe me, it was not my choice. Have a good night!"

"Come back soon! Bring the troublemakers with you!"

The walk back to the castle was much livelier than this afternoon, the tense atmosphere from earlier completely nonexistent now. I pointed out various places as we passed, mimicking Sebastian from fifth year. Casual warnings about the spiders that hid in the caves and the monster that resided in the lake.

"I'm sorry but there is no way that mermaids and a sea creature are in the lake. First of all-"

"That is against regulation, the lake is on academic grounds. That is not only unethical but a violation of-"

"Yes, thank you, Beaufort. See what you begun?"

"Ask the other Slytherin seventh years! They will tell you that you can see them from our common room."


The air shifted as we walked through the main doors, our lively chatter dwindling. There was an abnormal amount of students scattered in the halls for this time of night. A sudden hush and collective turn of heads made me acutely aware of the whispers and lingering gazes fixed upon us.

Perhaps I'm imagining things?

I could feel the weight of everyone's stares on my back as we passed. An uneasy sensation began to grow in the pit of my stomach.

Okay. I'm definitely not imagining things.

"Bennett, darling, is there something we should know?"

"I have no idea what's going on."

Both men straightened, wands silently appearing in their hands. Their casual demeanor melting away, on duty personas taking it's place. Eyes swept over each student's face, cataloging every movement being made.

Rapid footsteps echoed against the stone stairs. A flash of red came barreling towards us. "Bennett! There you are!" Sweat was pouring down Garreth's face. "We have been-"

We go down, togetherWhere stories live. Discover now