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Silence. Absolute eerie silence.

Not a soul could be seen in the village. The only noise was the sizzle of the green flames we had just emerged from.

That's odd. It's mid afternoon, where is everyone?

"Sebastian? Why is it so quiet? Did we recite an incorrect Floo Flame location?"

"No we- no one is here."

"Let's move, I don't want to find out the reason as to why no one is outside."

We made a beeline for the surrounding forest. Sticking to the shadows, we walked the three miles to his family's home in silence.

Even the animals are quiet. Hell I don't even see any animals.

My anxiety steadily climbed as the roof became visible through the trees. I halted momentarily letting my eyes wander over the large arched windows, down to the familiar bricks and stone of the house my best friend despised.

The Gaunt Estate seemed to suck the life from every unfortunate creature that stumbled upon it.

The sun began its descent behind the sprawling manor, bathing the world in an unsettling hue.

"Please tell me what you see." He may have been trying to hide it but I could hear genuine fear in his voice.

"There is... three- no four guards stationed at the front gate. Two on the front steps, one by the door. Merlin's beard, there's- five more on the roof." I scanned the remaining area, craning my neck to confirm. "I think that is all."

Twelve fucking guards? Really?

"Do you see any members of my family?"


"That's... odd."

Movement caught the corner of my eye, "Wait, there are two men in cloaks... standing outside the side door."

"What door?"

"To your left, there's a stairwell that leads down to a door. I don't think I've ever noticed that door before."

"Sebastian, I have no idea what you are going on about. What bloody door?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, my patience growing as thin as his. "Ominis. I'm looking at a door. I have no other answer for you. There is a door. To the left of the main staircase. There are steps that lead down to a fucking door."

He gaped at me, "if this wasn't a life or death situation, I would punch you."

"Maybe you should, it might make you feel better."

A loud clang of metal interrupted our petty argument, my head snapped up in the direction of the noise. A couple guards glanced over their shoulder towards the mysterious door and then quickly resumed their forward position.


She's in there. I know she is.

"What was that?"

"It came from behind that door, I bet all the galleons in the world that they are keeping her inside."

Guilt washed over his face, "we could be walking into a trap. I- I do not know what lies in that room."

"We are going to have to fight our way through."

"I know."

Might as well get it over with now.

I blew out a shaky breath, "I may have to result to unforgivables." I didn't dare look in his direction.

"I know." There was no emotion in his response.

"Will you?"

He hesitated for a moment, "I don't know."

"Whatever you decide, I will support it."

"Thank you."

My palms grew sweaty as I recounted the number of guards. Fuck. We could die. We could actually die today.

"Listen, if our luck runs out, I-"

"Don't say it. No goodbyes, Sallow."

A laugh escaped my lips, "Whatever you say, Gaunt."

A warm gentle breeze drifted towards us, ruffling our hair. It was oddly... comforting? I tilted my face up to meet it.

Maybe this is a good sign?

Before the thought was able to fully register, a scream cut through the silence. My breath hitched in my throat. I know that voice.

Her voice. My olive.

My blood started thrumming in my veins "I'm going to fucking kill them."

"My brothers are mine." I've never heard such raw emotion come out of his mouth. I shifted my gaze to look at him, his gaze was locked in the direction where the scream originated. His knuckles turned white around his wand.

If there is even a drop of her blood on the ground... I'm going to go fucking ballistic.

My fingers twitched in anticipation, "I'm going to enjoy this."

Ominis simply nodded in my direction, his jaw tightly clenched.

With our hoods secured and wands at the ready, we slid through the remaining trees in serpent-like silence.

We go down, togetherWhere stories live. Discover now