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Merlin, I'm so exhausted.

It had been five long miserable days.

Five days of watching her jump at loud noises and tremble at the shadows that lurked in the castle hallways.

Five days of forced smiles and laughter through unshed tears. Constant meaningless conversation because Ominis and I were afraid that the silence would eat her alive.

That the guilt would eat us alive.

Five days of sitting next to her as she begged for help in her sleep, knowing there was nothing I could do to help her.

Because we had been too late.

The damage had been done and it was irreversible. The bruises would fade but the scars wouldn't. Especially the ones that were seared into her soul by the dark magic she was subjected to.

It had been the first night all the students were back and subsequently the first night where we all didn't sleep in the same place. We no longer had an excuse to not be in our dorms. To say it was a rough night would be an understatement.

She hadn't shown at breakfast but her two roommates had assured me that she was still inside when they had left.

My palms itched to touch her, to confirm that she was real if nothing else. An intense feeling of loneliness washed over me as I began the trek to the Potions classroom. The usual route I had taken for seven years felt alien, the hallways seemed to stretch exponentially. I had the urge to start running.

Relax, Sebastian. You're being paranoid.

My anxiety ebbed away as soon as I crossed the threshold. She was here.

Standing next to our shared potions table pretending to listen to Weasley prattle on about some ingredient he was throwing into the already bubbling cauldron.

She looked... small. Perhaps it was because she was drowning under the layers of clothes she had on. A black turtleneck clung to her throat and an oversized jumper- no not oversized, my jumper hung loosely over her uniform. Pure black tights hugged her legs. Not an inch of skin was seen. The thought made me regret having breakfast.

A black cloud of smoke erupted from the cauldron, the explosive sound echoed throughout the still relatively empty classroom. Olivia stumbled backwards, she would have fallen if it wasn't for Garreth Weasley grabbing her arm and steadying her.

"Woah, Bennett! Sorry!" She yanked her arm away, "oh shit- are... are you okay?"

"Yes. Yes, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You look-"

"I said I'm-"

"Drop it, Weasley." I couldn't keep the growl out of my tone. Olivia shot me a look.

"And good morning to you, Sallow."

"Can you think about anyone other than yourself just once?"

"Relax, mate. I said I was sorry."

"I'm not your mate-"

"Stop it, Sebastian." She shoved herself in between us, "I'm fine."

"Good morning- oh, what's going on here?"

"Hello, Natty."

"Why, good morning. Sallow is being a prick, as usual."

Olivia dug her fingers into my hand, a warning to not engage. Natsai turned to me, eyes clocking Olivia's hand holding mine.

"Hello, Sallow."


"No Ominis this term?"

Olivia stepped in quickly, "he completed all necessary courses required for this subject."

We go down, togetherWhere stories live. Discover now