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"Mmm you took that rather well. Tell me, have you been subjected to the Cruciatus Curse before?"

This did not compare to Sebastian's cast in the scriptorium, the pain was a million times worst. My joints locked up and I was unable to rise from my doubled over position. Traitorous tears welled in my eyes.

I will not scream. I will not give in.

"What do you want?"

"To play." Steps stalked towards me and then the world cleaved in two.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed but every agonizing second felt like hours.

"Olivia, darling. Don't fall asleep on us now." His words were so gentle, almost soothing. My head rolled back, chin tilted toward the stars.

"I think she is growing bored, perhaps we should spice it up."

No. Please. No.

"Look at how eager she is." My body began shaking violently.

"No." The word came out quiet and cracked.

"No?" There was challenge in his tone, I'm sure if the blindfold was off, there would be a smirk on his face as well.


"Hold her down."

Hands slid around me, I tore at my binds. My bones screaming at the abuse. A calloused hand slid up my thigh, all rational thought vacated from my brain.

"Stop! Please!" The hands halted at the edge of my uniform. He hummed thoughtfully in response, as if he was considering my pleas. One long minute passed before he was roughly shoving the fabric up my leg.

His hand wrapped around my upper thigh, nails biting my skin. My left leg ached from the pressure. The tip of his wand danced along my skin. It finished its ascent directly above where his fingers were no doubt creating crescent moons.

My chest heaved, my labored breathing echoed off the walls. His wand dug sharply into my exposed flesh, hot searing pain shot down my body. I jerked my leg away instinctively but his nails drove deeper into my thigh.

"You know..."

A slash down

"The more you fight..."

Then diagonal

"The more painful this is going to be for you..."

And then another

"So why don't you..."

Down once more

He brought his face up to mine, his breath tickled my nose. My body begged to cringe away but his brother rendered me immobile. His voice dropped to a gentle whisper, "be a good girl and be still for me."

An incomplete circle seared into my skin next. Another line and half circle. Each cut becoming more agonizing than the last. I fought against each scream that rose up my throat. I will not show weakness... not yet.

Another slash downwards and then a-

Merlin no.


No that can't be right.

My teeth ground together as I tried to decipher the cuts- the letters that are being burned into my skin.






As if on queue, his wand burrowed into my thigh and two circles took shape. Tears trickled down my cheeks. This was beyond cruel, this was inhumane. My body felt as heavy as lead.

Splotches of color danced behind my eyelids, I fought against the fog in my mind. The hands that were keeping me captive melted away.

Gentle fingertips cupped my cheek, "darling, we aren't done playing remember?" Honeyed words dripped from his forked tongue, "come now..." the familiar cadence of his voice was like a lullaby. I wished desperately for it to be Ominis instead.

I stopped fighting.

The world swallowed me whole once more.

Gravel dug into my forehead. I must have blacked out. My entire body throbbed incessantly. The room was silent but I knew better than to believe they had left me here.


I jerked my head to the side in response.

"So which one are you playing? Ominis or Sallow?"

My head began to spin, "what?"

"I'm just curious, do you wish to inherit some galleons? No one in their right mind would honestly want to be with Ominis."

"Ominis is a good man."

"Oh please, it's an act. He's melodramatic, throws tantrums, and is an ungrateful twat. People would kill to be born into this family. Ominis is a cripple who wishes to be pitied."

I clenched my hands into fists. "Do not speak about him like that. His lack of sight is not a hindrance. He is a gifted wizard who deserves nothing short of the world."

"Spare me."

I bit down on my retort. They were trying to rile me up.

"You didn't answer my question, mudblood."

The word sent frenzied tremors down my body. My muscles ached with a sudden urge to use the unforgivables. The chains jostled mockingly, "neither."

"Ah, playing the long game. See which one is going to be able to provide for you better? Is that it?"

"I provide for myself."

"Right... since your parents are dead." My teeth sunk into my bottom lip, "and so is your precious Professor Fig." My teeth drew blood. "Did you think we didn't do our research on you? No one starts classes at Hogwarts so late in their academic career, especially a muggle born student."

I kept my mouth shut.

The lack of response must have angered him, one moment he was across the room and the next he was hovering above me. "Tell me, mudblood. Did you kill them?"

My stomach churned, the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth.

His hand gripped my hair and yanked my forehead off the ground, "I. Said. Did you kill them?"

So unlike his brother when he asked about them.

"A nickname? No, I don't have one."
"Don't your parents call you by a special name?"
"My parents didn't call me anything other than Olivia."
"Didn't? Oh... I am so sorry, I assumed-"
"It's fine. They died a very long time ago, I can't even remember what they looked like."
"Why don't we go to a pensive and pull a memory?"
"No? But then-"
"I'm scared... that the only memory I'll be able to conjure is the one of their deaths."
"Wait- you were there?"
"I- I don't wish to speak of it."

White light and bloodied hands flashed behind the blindfold. My mother's screams echoed in my head. I'm going to be sick.

I attempted to breathe through my nausea, "I prefer the other one more."

A dark chuckle, "who? Marvolo? He's a sadistic bastard but he does have a charmers tongue."

His hand released me, "let it be known, darling, that I have done minimal damage in comparison to him. I would be nice to me, if I were you." His foot made contact with my thigh, a scream tore out of me. "Or your other leg will be marred by my script next."

We go down, togetherWhere stories live. Discover now