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The clock chimes woke me from my trance, "my goodness, is that the time?" Ominis stifled a yawn, "I am quite tired."

"Sleep well, Omi." I smiled up at him lazily and returned to my book.

"You should consider heading to bed as well, it's late."

"I will once I'm done with this chapter, I would prefer to not have an unfinished assignment looming over me during break."

"Very well. Sweet dreams, Ollie." His steps disappeared and silence once again settled in the common room. Leaning further into the couch cushions, I attempted to pick up where I left off but I couldn't get comfortable.

I had been fidgeting for a few minutes when  I felt the presence of someone behind me. "Did you forget something?" I turned to find no one in the space but myself. "Ominis?"

Maybe I should go to bed. I'm imagining things. Paranoia slithered down my spine and made its home in my stomach. By the time I reached my door my heart was pounding against my chest. Get it together.

I welcomed the fresh breeze that kissed my face. I fumbled with the clasp of my robe as I made my way over to the window. I willed my heart to slow.

Oh it is a beautiful night-

A creak shattered the silence. "Hello?" I whipped my head around. Nothing. "Is someone there?"

Your roommates are gone. No one is here, you're hearing things. Calm down.

I clenched my hands into fists and turned back to the window.


Did I leave the window open?

I carefully slid my wand out of my robe pocket. This is insane, no one is here. Anxiety clutched my lungs as I spun on my heel, determined to walk out the door and run to the boy's dormitory.

I would rather be made fun of for the rest of my life by Sebastian than stay in this room a second longer.

"Expelliarmus!" My wand went flying backwards. "Accio!"

A hand wrapped around my throat, icy blue eyes locked on mine. "Hello, darling." His voice sent shivers down my spine. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure."

"Let me go!"

"You are not in a position to be making demands." I strained my neck to see another man leaning up against the wall. "You will be coming with us."

Like hell I will.

I sent my leg flying, it hit its target. His fingers ripped from my neck as he doubled over, "you bloody little witch."

I ran towards my wand, "depulso." The spell slammed into the back of my calves and I went soaring downward. My head slammed into the corner of the windowsill. The world went fuzzy and a high pitched ringing bounced around me.

Get up. Get up. Get up.

Heavy feet sounded behind me and then the floor disappeared. My robe pooled at my feet as I struggled against him. "You stupid little mudblood." My head snapped to the side as his palm came in contact with my cheek. Tears stung the corner of my eyes, he shoved his wand underneath my chin, forcing me to look up at him. "Imperio."

A shuddered gasp escaped my lips as I felt my mind slip from me. My muscles relaxed into his touch. "Take off your shoes and set them next to your robe." My hands began moving on their own accord.

Snap out of it.

"Put your hands behind your back." I spun around and interlaced my fingers behind me. Cold metal slid along my wrists, my magic blew out like a candle as they clasped shut.

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