Beauty and the Nerd Chapter one

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CHAPTER ONE: Troubled Me

Beauty: the one and only Kassandra Grand aka Kassie. 5'4, great smile, golden hair made from the gods, brown eyes, slim athletic body, and glowing confidence.

Status: popular

Grade: sophomore

Relationship: involved with douche-bag Brandon Walker

Favorite Quote: "Strive to be the role model you have always wanted to be." - unknown


Nerd: Peter Hanlin aka Peter Wiener (given by genius douche-bag all because it rhymes). 5'10, square glasses, acne on forehead, black brown hair, green eyes, and gangly with no body hair; also known as man hair (as his brother likes to call it); and definitely not glowing with confidence.

Status: ignored by most, nerd

Grade: Sophomore

Relationship: forever alone

Favorite Quote: "going to blend into the lockers today, or maybe everyday?" -unknown

If everyone was truly truthful on their Facebook or Twitter accounts, this is what mine would honestly look like.

The other one above mine is also true too, terrible, but true.

Why is it bad you ask? Well, not bad for her, for me. I know it's pathetic, but there's no way that I could be with someone like that.

She walks down the hall with natural ease.  She looks as if she does not have a care in the world. Her friends swallow her whole into their popular click. 

Let's put it this way, when I walk down the hall, I keep my head down to avoid tripping, from bumping into anyone that is in a mile radius from me, and I have a slight limp when I walk from breaking my ankle two summers ago getting my leg stuck in a bike wheel. How, you ask? If it's possible, then I will find a way, that's just how uncoordinated I am.

I head to my small group of friends (small as in four other people) and greet them with a small "hey."

Judy (the one girl in our group) smiles through her braces and says "hey" back. Her hair is chestnut brown and in a long braid that reaches down to her hips.

"Peter, why are you so late to school? It's only a couple of minutes till homeroom." said Gabe.  His perfectly circular glasses make him look like Harry Potters with dirty blonde hair that goes past the ears.  Unfortunately, his lengthy body resembles that of a cartoon character, but imagine an allergic with a rash everywhere on top of that.

"Tripped," I say quickly then look down at my shoes.

"By?" He asks looking over his glasses while finishing up some last minute homework.

"What? Can't I just trip by my own clumsy feet?" He tilts his head to the side and gives me the really? look.

"Fine, Brandon tripped me as I walked by," I admit and open my locker to put my things away.

"It's the first day of the school year," says Aurther, "and it's already starting all over again. I already can't wait for break."

"I mean, we are nerds...look at Gabe doing homework.  It's the first day!  What homework could you possibly be doing right now?" I inquire.  

"Uh, it's called advanced bio.  This shit is no joke," Gabe taps the page with the end of his pencil.

"I don't know about you, but I got it done," Judy says nonchalantly and then takes a sip of her coffee.

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