Chapter Thirteen

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Hi guys, sorry for the mistakes in this chapter and for the wait! I just needed to take a step back and think about it before I actually started typing. And there is some swearing in here so I'm sorry about that too but i figured it fit into the scenario. I hope you like it!

Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

Chapter Thirteen


"Let's see how you feel." Kassie says coolly. Before I can understand what she could possibly mean, her face is close and I feel her warm lips covering mine.

I am obviously startled and I have no idea where it put my hands. They eventually land on her hips and I close my eyes.

Her body is pressed against mine sending sparks shooting throughout my whole body. Warmth seeps into my heart and I cannot describe the feeling. I have been waiting for this since the first day I met Kassie.  This might be my first kiss, but it is breathtaking.

It does not last as long as I want when she pulls away with realization in her eyes of what she has just done.

"Peter, I-" before she is able to continue I am grabbed by the collar of my shirt and face to face with a red faced Brandon.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Hanlin? I told you before and the time before to stay far away from Kassie!" He yells in my face and he reeks of alcohol.

"Brandon, stop!" Kassie yells and tries to get in between us.

"Shut up Kassie! I'm sick of you too!" Brandon throws me to the ground harshly and I feel pain spread into my upper back. "You think you're so good and always have your 'rules' and an annoying moral compass to go by. I'm sick and tired of being the perfect boyfriend."

Kassie rushes over and crouches down to me, "Are you okay Peter!?"

"Yeah" I barely get out. She wraps her arm around my waist and helps me stand up. She lets go and turns her anger on Brandon.

"Brandon you are way out of control! This isn't like you. I'm sick of you too. You have changed since I met you and now you're some cocky jackass who always complains because he doesn't get what he wants." She practically yells and I can see her shaking from her anger.

"Listen here!" Brandon strides over to us and grabs her by the wrist roughly,"I will not be talked to like some fourth grader by some little prissy bitch and -"

"Let go of her." I say quietly at first.

"What did you just tell me?" He snaps at me.

"I said let. Go. Of. Her." I spat at him and step closer to him.

"Oh Peter-wiener has finally grown some balls now. What are you going to do about it?" Brandon says with a tempting voice that makes me want to knock out his front teeth. He pulls her toward him even closer and I hear her make a small ow from tugging on her wrist roughly.

"Let go Brandon, that kind of hurt. Calm down and just leave." She says pleadingly.

I come closer and I still feel the pain in my shoulders from being thrown onto the ground, but I ignore the pain because Brandon is hurting her and I'm through with his macho man act.

His eyes give off a hateful glare to me but I return the favor with my jaw clenched. The people standing around don't say a word and only stare and watch.

"Fuck this," he says before I can make a move on him. Brandon pushes Kassie to the ground and she lands on her butt.

He then comes towards me and punches me in the stomach. I let out a small "ugg" and bend down. He laughs at me and when he isn't paying attention I grab his head and smash it down on my knee.

He falls to the ground surprised by my action and the force of getting hit. He moans a little then starts to get back up.

"You will regret that Peter." He groans out and surprise tackles me.

Brandon throws punches at my face that I can't block, but then I bring up my right knee straight in his family jewels.  He gets out a little grunt of pain and holds himself as I push him off me.

"How did that feel?" I say with newfound confidence that is surprises even me.

I look over to Kassie who is back up and has a worried expression. Thank goodness she's okay. I almost feel bad for going down to Brandon's level, but he deserves every bit of it for hurting her.

"You son of a bitch!" Brandon yells at me when I'm not looking which is my downfall.

Before I can react I see Brandon's fist with all the force he can muster. He makes contact with my face.  A searing pain spreads like wildfire across my whole face. Darkness flashes in and out and I feel my body fall to the damp ground.

"Peter!" Is the last thing I hear.


Flashes of brown eyes come and go in my mind with that perfect smile that matches it.

Laughing that sound like silver bells ringing off into the distance that quickly fades away.



I finally hear a soft kind voice repeating my name over and over again. I don't want it to stop.

Who does it belong to?

I feel covered in warmth from the lovely voice and her presence. She radiates love and kindness.


This time the angelic voice sounds worried, scared and even a little frantic.

"Hello?" I ask confused.

I look around but only see pitch black surrounding me. I turn around and I see a faint light shining in the distance and run towards it. It envelopes me me in blinding white light.


"Peter?" I hear the voice again. I struggle to open my eyes and when they finally do, I see beautiful heavenly face with a white glow behind it.

"Peter? You're finally awake! Are you okay? How are you feeling?!" I now recognize the voice and the light in the background fades.

I smile at her and she lets out a laugh, "what?" Kassie says.

"Nothing." Seeing your face was the perfect way to wake up. That's what I want to say, but I don't.

I realize my head is laying in her lap and I feel a blush come over my face. She is also holding a ice pack to my face. We are sitting in the back seat of a parked car that doesn't seem familiar.

"What happened?" I groan out when I move slightly and I feel my back covered in pain.

"You don't remember?" She asks worried.

"I remember Brandon drunk out of his mind and arguing between the two of you, but not much after that."

Kassie explains the whole scene. It all comes back to me in a headache on the side of my head and I squint in pain.

"My dad came right after you were knocked out and he got Brandon and all his friends to go home." She says while gently playing with my hair.

"Oh, I'm guessing your dad was mad?"

"I think mad would be an understatement," She admits with a sigh. "I'm so sorry Peter that you got involved then got hurt. It should have never happened." She sniffs.

I remember the kiss we shared. Does she mean that we should have never kissed? Because I wouldn't take that back for anything even if it wasn't exactly intended.

"Hey, it's okay. Everything worked out." I say to calm her.

"Thanks Peter, but it's all my fault. I should have never invited him."

I push myself off her lap and grab her hand, "None of this is your fault. It's all Brandon and his ego that controlled the whole thing. He should have just left things alone. And I would do it all over again for you."

She smiles and looks down at our intertwined hands, "Do you mean that Peter?"


"Brandon and I are officially over now. Which is strange because he's the only boyfriend I have ever had and its going to be weird not having one." She says.

I would have no idea. The idea of having a girlfriend sounds great, but I can't relate to her so I only nod my head.

"Maybe that's good though. I can focus on school, work, and my family. Not a social life." She looks out the window of the car we are in, " I am having a hard time believing I don't have a best friend anymore too. It's going to be hard to trust people after this."

I hope she trusts me. Then again I already knew about Cleo and Brandon. I could tell her now when I have the chance. I decide not to because this is already too much information tonight. I will tell her soon though, I promise myself.

"My dad offered to drive you home, Peter." She said pulling me out of my own head.

"Oh okay." My parents left earlier and I told them I would go home with Gabe which I found earlier. He probably left already.

"I'll go tell him you're awake."

"Okay," Is all I say before she exits the car.

I'm confused at what stage we are in. I mean, we kissed for goodness sake. Doesn't that mean anything to her? I know it means the whole world to me. Are we just going to ignore it?

Kassie and her dad come back to the car in silence. When we start to leave the fundraiser her father starts to talk to me.

"I wanted to thank you Peter for standing up for Kassie. I have always known that Brandon was not good for her." He looks back at her in the rearview mirror and she looks away ashamed.

"No problem, sir." I add.

"How's your face, Peter?" He asks me.

"It hurts, but it's barable. He got me pretty good." I state and gently touch the side of my face. I flinch from the soreness and replace the ice pack.

"Well I think you did some damage on Brandon too. His forehead was pretty red from you knocking his head on that knee of yours." Kassie says next to me.

"Yeah maybe." I like the idea of Brandon with a bruise made from me. I simply like the idea of Brandon getting a taste of his own medicine.

"I wouldn't start getting in the habit of getting in fights though. You are such a good guy Peter and I would hate to see you turn into someone like Brandon." Kassie says warningly. I smile at her concern for me.

"I don't plan to ever be like Brandon." And it's the truth.   

The car ride is smooth and I notice we are already on my road and her dad pulls into my drive way. "Thanks again. Here's your house.  Hopefully we get to see you soon Peter," Kassie's father says.  The drive seemed awfully short.  Probably because I'm half out of it.

"Goodbye sir." I start to get out of the car and Kassie says she will walk me to my door.

We get to my front door and I turn to Kassie expecting to just say goodbye, but she hugs me by surprise and lays her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you so much Peter for everything you did for me today. For finding my little brother to defending me. You're a great friend." She lets go and kisses my cheek quickly. Her kiss spreads warmth throughout my face and to my heart, but my mind keeps replaying the words great friend.

"Goodnight." She says and walks back to her dad's car.

"Goodnight Kassie," is the last thing I say to her tonight.


There it is, another chapter! I hope you like it.

Thank you so much to every single one of you who have read, commented, and voted for the story.

If you comment and vote, I usually update faster!!

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