Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

I strut down the front steps on my way to the jeep to go to my job at Mega Weiner when I hear someone behind me yell, "Peter!"

I turn to see Tanner hurrying to catch up and a pile of books along with him in his hands. He looks scattered and frantic.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask him confused.

He takes a breath before talking. "So have you heard about Kassie?"

"About her trying to find the guy who gave her the bracelet?" He nods, "Yeah..."

"Well nows your chance! Tell her about you!" His smile widens like I haven't thought of the idea before.

"Tanner...its not that simple. Is she honestly going to believe a nerd over some gorgeous jock that's got muscles?"

"Hmmm I didn't think of that, but you can't be a whimp about it."

"Why are you trying to convince me so hard?" I ask curious.

"Well when she was at lunch with us today she just seemed to...I don't" Tanner says with an uncertain look in his eyes.

"She did seem to get along with us pretty well." The thought of holding Kassie's hand and walking her to class fills my mind and what it would have been like if she hadn't grown up to be miss popular.

"Exactly man, give it a try. It might be the best chance you ever take."

"You know...I will think more about giving it a go. Thanks, if this actually works out I'll have you to thank."

"Well I gotta go. The mathletes can't start without me. I wanted to tell you that. Later Peter." Tanner rushes inside.

If I tell Kassie she may believe me. I won't know unless I give it a shot.

I look at my watch. I have to get to work pronto or else I'm going to be late. I head to the jeep and see Mikey already there beeping the horn when he sees me.


It's almost the end of my shift and I am as tired as dirt. You would think a small town restaurant wouldn't get so many customers but dinner was a rush. So many plates... I don't think I want to look at another again.

I walk out to the front of the restaurant and see Kassie and Mikey talking. She keeps laughing at whatever he says making me jealous; wishing that I could put that smile on her face.

"Hey Mikey, here to pick me up?" He turns and notices me.

"Yeah, I was just talking to Kassie about her party. It was great wasn't it Peter." Says the guy who got wasted and can't remember a thing.

"Yep, sure was."I say unenthusiastically. Hoping that they didn't catch my tone, and I pretend to check my phone.

"Oh Peter, you were there?" Kassie looks puzzled, "I was looking for you but I never could find you so I figured you didn't come."

"No I was there, I swear." I give off a small laugh that signifies she just didn't look hard enough.

"Hmmm." Kassie tilts her blonde head downwards in thought.

Before she can say or think of anything Mikey comes out with, "Hey we should probably get going. I'll see you at school tomorrow Kassie." He gives her his signature smile and a wink which I find odd.

Kassie's smile brightens, she gives a small wave as we walk out. I notice the turquoise bracelet around her arm, "Bye guys. See you tomorrow." A smile on her face. I can't believe she's still wearing it!

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