Chapter Seventeen

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Hola readers! Sorry for the mistakes and I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

Chapter Seventeen


"Are you sure about this?" I ask the twins Rachel and Maria.

"Of course! It's full proof!" Maria reassures me but I'm still not completely positive about this.

"But-" Rachel cuts me off.

"You were all for it a few minutes ago?" They lead me down the hallway of my house.

"Just do it. Don't over think it." Maria tells me.

"But what if its someone I know?" I say.

"It's pitch black in that closet. We took out the light bulb."

"You took out the light bulb?" I say in shock.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." I don't like to think of myself as desperate. I don't think I am but I want to show Brandon that I'm moving on even if he's not really here to see it. It's also for myself.

"He won't even know what's going on until you plant one on him." Rachel laughs.

"How did you pick this guy again?" I ask both of them.

"He was just sort of wondering around I guess." Maria shrugs.

"Don't worry though," Rachel waves her hands, "he's pretty cute. We wouldn't pick some narly dude with one tooth or something like that."

"Okay," that makes me feel a little bit better. I've never been one for spontaneous decisions especially involving guys.

We finally arrive to the upstairs closet and I kinda feel bad for the guy in there. All locked up probably thinking he's stuck in there for the night.

My cousins nod at me to unlock the door and go in. I hesitate for a minute and then open the door...



Who the hell locks someone in a closet at a party for no reason? Weird twins are my answer.

I've been in here for probably a half an hour banging in the door but twenty minutes in I gave up.

Now I'm just sitting on the ground leaning against the wall the to the door praying someone lets me out eventually. 

I tried calling Mikey with my cell phone but he didn't answer and I still haven't gotten Tyler's number yet so that doesn't help. My battery is slowly dying too.

My costume worked out pretty well, at least I thought it did with being a zombie and all. Unless someone knew I was the zombie and wanted me locked up here for a reason, but I didn't tell anyone but my family and they wouldn't go blabbing.

I take out the turquoise bracelet out of my pocket with the small tag on it that says To Kassie and think of how I won't be able to give it to her now. I could imagine the bracelet on her slim tan wrist. My opportunity has vanished unless I'm able to get out of here soon.

Now I'm just wallowing in despair.

Before I can react and see who it is, the door opens quickly and they step into the room fast making it dark again.

"What is-"

"Just give me a minute." A girl's voice sounds throughout the small closet.

Before I can think of who's voice it belongs to I am pushed up against the wall and I feel a pair of hands trailing up my chest and they travel around to the back of my neck.

I'm stunned and shocked at the same time when I feel soft lips cover my own. I melt right away and slowly close my eyes wrapping my arms around her small waist and moving my lips along with hers.

Compared to my first kiss even though it was from Kassie, this one is way better because I sort of know what I'm doing now and excitement erupts in my stomach. I feel light headed and dazed from her hands playing with my hair. I see why people kiss all the time now.

I hug her to me and I hear a soft sigh come from the girls throat which makes me smile between our kiss.  Our lips are synchronized and the only thing I am concerned with is how someone's lips can be so soft.  

She breaks us apart after a minute or so and I hear her heavy breathing matching my own. I'm still holding her in my arms though and don't want to let go of this mystery girl.  I can smell a lavender perfume on her body, and feel how soft her skin is in my arms.

She slowly unwraps herself from me and I feel the tingles leave my body with her. I feel a quick peck on the lips again, so innocent with a little bit of lingering but soon they are gone and so is she.

She leaves the closet as fast as she came and I'm in a state of fantasy and confusion.

That is until it registers in my mind that she is once again gone and I run out of the closet trying to find her.

I run back downstairs and I think I see someone hurrying through the crowd, but then I am stopped byTyler grabbing the back of my hood of my sweatshirt.

"Man, we have to get out of here!" He yells to me over the music.

"What?! No! I have to find someone." I tell at him.

"Dude, I pissed of a now angry football player by messing with his girl. He's on the war path and we have to leave now!" Tyler says.

"I don't care! You should know better and I have to find someone anyways." I try to rip out of his grip again but he's not letting go.

"You don't really have a choice Peter. We gotta leave. Mikey's in the jeep waiting for us now anyways and he's trashed. I have him waiting for me in there for fifteen minutes now while trying to find you."

"How? There's no alcohol at this party anyways." I ask him confused.

Tyler shrugs, "Someone must have brought it, but we should clean him up before your parents get home from that dinner they had tonight.  A punch to the face isn't very angelic like and doesn't match my outfit."

I run my hands through my hair and slightly pull on it with frustrated when I finally let out a sigh, "For an angel, you sure are evil."

He smiles slightly and then looks pasted me at someone.

"Oh shit! There he is, we better go." He tugs on my arm pulling me with me.

We get in the jeep and Mikey's laying down in the back. Tyler puts the jeep in reverse and we head out of Kassie's driveway.

It's been one of the best and worst nights of my life. I got to go to Kassie's party, but I didn't get to see her. I had an amazing kiss I will never forget in my lifetime, but I don't know who with.

I absentmindedly tap my pocket for the bracelet but feel nothing.

Oh no! I scramble inside my pants pocket for the bracelet; when I don't find it in there I check in every pocket I have on me.

I still can't find it.

That's when I realize I must have dropped it in the closet when the mystery girl showed up.

Damn! No! I think to myself.

I bury my face into my hands and lean my elbows on my knees. This cannot be happening. How could I drop it?

I never even put my name on it.


Aww poor Peter!

If anyone is still confused about anything I will gladly answer any questions you might have.

So did you guys like the chapter?!?!?

I really hope you did because I worked so hard on it!!

Please please please please....




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