Chapter Three

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I hate the second period in the morning. You wanna know why I hate second period in the morning? I have damn gym! Thank the lord that Kassie isn't in this class with me to witness my humiliation. I would crawl into a hole and die.

"Today, we are going outside to play ultimate frisbee" Says Mr. Drake. I hear a couple wahoos and high fives behind me.

Playing with a frisbee is not my thing. I mean no sport is my thing, just especially not frisbee. The whole class ends up outside and the weather's sunny, but cool with the wind blowing.

"Dark shirts vs. light shirts." Says Mr. Drake.

"Come on, no shirts vs. skins? I wanted to tan," jokingly says Brandon.

"Of course not," says Ben,"we have to remember a few of us have some kind of alien disease on our body." Clearly an insult thrown Gabe's way.

I walk over to the darks and join them where Gabe is a member of the lights. He gives me a look saying "kill me now".

The game starts off as any game does in our gym class. I try to avoid any contact with the game or people but try to run to make it look like I'm actually doing something.

"Peter Weiner, think fast." But I don't think fast, at least my reflexes do not. My arms try to catch the disk in between them, but instead making me look like I'm doing some weird seal flapping with my arms and the disk slips right through into my face and connecting with my nose.

There are a few "Oooo's" coming from people around me.  Some of the students gather around to stare at my humiliation and the blood covering my hands, face and shirt. Oh man, why me?

"Anybody have a tissue on them?" Asks Mr. Drake. A girl from behind pulls one out from her bra then hands it to me.

"Thanks, I guess." Awkwardly taking it and holding it to my nose. Mr. Drake pats me on the back as if showing his pity for me and tells me to head to the nurse.


 I head towards the nurses office with my blood-soaked tissue and am greeted by the smell of toothpaste and rubbing alcohol.  I am not particularly fond of the nurse's office but am usually here a lot and know the nurse pretty well.

No one's here though when I walk in.  I hear the pat of footsteps in the small medical room over and head that way.  The nurse is probably working in there.

"Hi Ms. Grey,  could you help me out with this nose bleed-"  I stop abruptly not the nurse but someone else is in the medical room.  Kassie is standing there searching for something and sees me. 

"Oh, hey Peter."  she says, "I was in here looking for Ms. Grey but couldn't find her so I went to search for bandages,"  she holds up her arm with a bad scrape down the side of it.

"Are you okay?"  I ask instantly with concern.

"Yeah, but maybe I should be asking you that?"  Kassie replies nodding to the bloody tissue being held up to my nose.  She then closes the cabinet to open the next one.

"Ahh...I'm fine," I say casually as if I'm not standing here with a bad nose bleed.

"Sure you are."  She smiles then takes out something from the cabinet, "Sit down over there."  she points to a cushioned chair. I do what she said and Kassie comes over here with a towel then hands it to me and I put it under my nose.

"Lean forward with your head down for a couple of minutes and it should stop unless you broke it."

"Nah it's not broken." I then lean forward and ask, "How do you know what to do?"

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