Chapter Five

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Hey, book readers! This is the author here. Hope you enjoy this next chapter in Beauty and the Nerd! I worked most of the day to update and I think it's pretty good. I would love to hear some advice on what you guys think of it though. Or if you want chapters longer or anything. I won't know unless you comment. If you guys could please vote too! It would only take one second to hit that star sign to let me know that you like my book. I promise to read every single comment!

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Chapter five

A week has gone by and I am still looking for a job. It's harder than you think. You have to tell the boss all your skills and why you want the job plus when you're available.

When I can answer all three of those questions truthfully by,

1. My skills involve killing zombies and modern warfare, but I can also do fast math in my head. I can tell a customer the longitude and latitude of various places around the world. (Might as well stick nerd on top of my forehead)

2. I don't want the job at all. I rather not work. My parents want to "teach" us the way of life. Please, they probably just want us out of the house.

3. I am available anytime except during school since I have no social life. I know you don't have to say it. It's pretty sad.

This is if I actually told the truth when in reality I am going to lie like a champ.

I probably spend most of my free time just thinking about Kassie and I don't want that taken away from me. I have to admit, daydreams are the best.

But anyway I really dread my cousin coming over. Apparently Tyler's parents are going to stay with a sick relative and they can't take care of him at the same time.

His plane is suppose to come in today and my mom is going to pick him up.

It's a Saturday so no school (yay) but no Kassie (aww!). My Saturdays are usually filled up with online gaming.

Today is different though. My sister and I have been cleaning out the spare bedroom for his arrival while my brother is supposedly cleaning up the rest of the house. He's probably not though.

"So I hear the homecoming dance is coming up soon." Hannah teases me, "you gonna ask a certain someone?"

"I actually did not plan on going." I really have no desire to stand around the gym room staring at other couples making me wish I had someone to dance with. No thank you.

"I'm sure if you asked her-"

"Kassie has a boyfriend, Hannah. I highly doubt she would want to go with me anyways."

"See this is your problem." She stops from making the bed to put her hands on her hips. "You have no self confidence. Of course she isn't going to want to go with you if you don't give her the option to. If you asked her then and she says no at least you tried."

I roll my eyes, "If I ask her and she says no she'll know I like her then things will be akward." I continue to vacuum the carpet. "And I don't want that."

"It's your funeral." She then gets back to work.

I laugh at her, "It's not like I'm going to die from not telling her."

"Your giving up and you shouldn't. No girl wants to date someone who is a giver upper."

"Hannah, I can't just walk up to her and ask her out all of a sudden. I would be shot down in two seconds flat. Then beaten up in five by her boyfriend."

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