~Chapter 4~

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You flutter your eyes open as your vision is a bit blurry. You rub your eyes a bit an noticed that your in a.. bedroom.. it was Moon themed.. the walls were painted a dark blue and small stars were painted here and there..

You were about to get up when something pulls you back down.. now you were fully awake and look up to see.. Moon.. holding you close.

"Stay here.." He muttered out softly.. you couldn't help but smile softly.

"I'm sorry Moon.. but I have to go home.. and I already have plans with Iris"

You could feel him hug you tight before he muttered something out and letting you go. You sit up while stretching a bit.

"...Fucking... bitch..." Moon muttered out something which made you turn your head to face Moon and you tilt your head to the side a bit.

"Uh.. you said something?" Obviously you heard him but you wanted him to speak up.

"Nothing. Like you said you need to get home." He stood up and walked out of his room leaving you all alone. Honestly you hated being alone..

'did I'd I something to make him mad?..
I mean I know I did but..
He didn't need to curse or leave me here alone..

You were making small facial expressions before standing up and leaving the room. you were making your way to the front of the daycare to leave but.. Moon was no where to be found.. Maybe he just needed some time to gather himself?

You were kind of hoping to see Sun before you left.. at least get a hug from him.. but even him was no where to be found.

You stopped at the Daycare doors and rested your hand on them. You took a couple of deep breaths before you opened the doors and left the Daycare.

You felt a bunch of feelings was over you.. to be honest they were to much to even name them all.. you tried your best to shoo these feelings away but no matter what you did you just couldn't.

'Maybe I shouldve stayed a bit longer..
Maybe I shouldve waited for Moon to at least bring Sun out..
God why am I so rude..'

You shake your head a bit as you rub your temple.. you hadn't even realized you were outside of the Plex. You were blinded by the sunlight "God.. it feels like I haven't been outside forever.."

You search for your keys in your pockets and eventually finding them. You walked towards the parking lot when you hear.. crying?..

You then stop in your tracks and walk to the dump near the Plex.. that's when you find a child.. He looked like.. 10 or 12 years old.. He has brown hair that looked all messed up.. he had a bandage on his cheek while a bit of dirt stains covered his face.. he had a blue shirt with a light blue collar.. he had Tan shorts that were somewhat dirty.. he also had another bandage on his knee.. he was wearing white and red shoes that were also dirty..

You walked over to the child but making sure you kept your distance.. you bend down a bit to match his height..

"excuse me?.." you spoke in a soft tone to try not to spooke him.. his head shot up and his eyes were a bit wide.. he scooted a bit back, it almost looked like he wanted to run away.

"No, no! It's alright.. don't be scared.." you put your hands up in defense as you tried to show him you were not a threat.. your voice was still soft, almost soothing..

"W-who are you?.." his voice was a bit shaky as he hugged himself a bit..

"My name is (y/n).. I work at the Pizzaplex.. what's your name?.." you tried to get a bit closer to him but he just scooted more back so you decided to continue to keep your distance.

~The Promise~ (Sun/Moon X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now