~Chapter 15~

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(okay I have made up my mind)
You quickly look besides you and see Moon. Just leaning against your desk with his arms crossed.

"Moon..." You stand up and just stare at him.

"Look. I just wanted to-" his sentence gets caught off by you hugging him. He didn't expect that. He expected for you to yell at him and such but this, was new to him.

"I'm sorry Moon.. I didn't mean to shout at you or Sun.. I was just.. frustrated.. I thought you guys didn't like me anymore.."

He lets out a raspy chuckle and he put his hand on your hair and he stroked it slowly.

"We would never hate you starlight~ I'm sorry that we made you think that."

You guys stayed like this for a couple of minutes until Naptime was almost over. You let go of him and you sat back down in your chair acting as if nothing happened. He grabbed your chin and forces you to look at him.

You blinked a couple of times "Yes?"

"Nothing." He taps the tip of your nose with his finger and he walks back to the napping area and goes through the curtains.

'strange.. at least he doesn't hate me anymore.'

You shrug it off and you just waited until the lights turned on but.. something happened with the lights. They didn't just instantly turn on or one by one.

The lights turned on then they turned back off, to dim, then they fully turned on.

'okay.. maybe I should report this?..'

You shrug it off and started to draw little doodles in your notebook. Mostly Sun and Moon doodles but once in a while you'd draw Freddy. The Freddy doodles looked a little durpy but it was a bit funny.

You smile a bit as you continue to draw durpy versions of Freddy.

You'd look up once in a while and you'd see Sun playing a game of Freeze tag with the kids.

Though at times you and Sun would make eye contact but only for a few seconds.

You let out a sigh and you continue to doodle. Until you felt a light tug on my shoulder.

'i swear to God if these kids dont-'

But once you looked besides you it was the girl, June.

"Oh. It's you. Do you need something?" She grabs your hand and she drags you over to the group of kids and Sun. She then tugs on Suns hand getting his attention.

He looks at the both of you and he puts on a smile "oh! Hello, (y/n) and June!"

You smile nervously and wave a bit. You look down at June and see her doing sign language.

'so that's why she hasn't been talking.. wow.. I'm that retartded, huh..'

You then look up at Sun and he smiles brightly "They can! If they want to!" He looks at you with that same smile.

"Wait. What?"
"Do you wanna play freeze tag with us?"

You stay silent for a while and you look at June then at Sun, then back at June, then back at Sun.

You smile softly and nod "Sure, why not."

So there it was. You, Sun, and a bunch of kids played freeze tag. You guys played for a couple of hours, played a bunch of round until you and all of the kids were tired. Of course Sun wasn't, he's an animatronic, he can't really get tired and yet he still has a bedroom.

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