~Chapter 13~

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Still feeling a bit pissed about what Moon said. You went to Freddy's room.

Once you arrived there you knocked on his door and waited for a couple of seconds.

The door opened to reveal Gregory. You smile softly at the sight of Gregory "Hey buddy. Where's Freddy?"
"Oh.. he's at another kids birthday party. He told me to stay here until Naptime is over."
"Well. Mind if I come in?"

Gregory nods and he steps out of the way for you to enter. You took this time to look around Freddy's Room.

There wasn't much to see. just a charging station. A couch. And a few plushies of Freddy that looked durpy.

"So.. why did you come here? Is Naptime over?"

You stay silent for a couple of seconds before shaking your head. You sit down on the couch and let out a sigh.

"No it's not over.. I just had.. a problem with Moon." You fidget with your fingers a bit.

Gregory goes over to you and sits down next to you "What.. happened?.."
"I tried to convince Moon to give you a second chance"
"Oh. And how did that go?"
"Terrible. He's not gonna give you a second chance."

Maybe it was best to leave out the part that Moon threatened to hurt Gregory.

"Oh.. so you just got into a tiny fight with him?"
"Yeah. I guess you could say that.."

Okay here was the real question.

Why did you feel so bad for them? You have this massive guilt weighing you down.. it wasn't a nice feeling.. you just wanted to run back and apologize for being rude to Moon. Sure he might be a bitch or a dickhead or maybe both. But still, they have feelings and it just hurts you more. You don't want to stay mad at Moon but you also don't want to be distant with the twins.

Then you did the unthinkable.

You pull Gregory to a warm embrace. At first he was surprised but he eventually hugged you back.

"This is nice."
"Don't ruin the moment. This will probably be the only time I do this."

And of course. The moment was ruined.


You look up to see Iris by the doorway. all of a sudden you felt the same thick tension like from last time.

Did these two have a past?

"Oh. Hey Iris." You pull away from the hug and stand up.

"Finally! I found you. Oh. Hey Gregory.." when she said Gregory she muttered it out.

okay something was definitely up with these two.

"Yeah. Did you need something?"
"I need to talk to you. It won't be too long!"
"Um.. okay. Gregory stay here."

Gregory nods and you and Iris leave the room. You close the door behind you and look at Iris.

"What's up?"

She looks around the place before answering you "what happened between you and Moon!?"
"What do you mean?" Of course you didn't want anybody to know what happened in the daycare. Not even Iris.
"Don't play dumb! You guys were fighting!"
"And how did you know?"
"Oh. I was outside the daycare."
You raised an eyebrow "doing what?"
"To flirt with the twins. To check up on you of course!"

That didn't sound believable but you let it slide.

"Okay.. so what if we were fighting"
"Well then I'd have to know! Spill the tea! What happened?"
"Nothing.. I just.. wasn't in the right mood and I snapped at him"

~The Promise~ (Sun/Moon X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt