~Chapter 22~

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You woke up by the sound of your alarm going off.

As well as sunlight leaking through the curtains, creating an almost beautiful mixer of blue and a hint of yellow casting all over your room.

It was a beautiful sight to see but all you wanted to do was sleep in and not even go to work.

If the twins heard that they would've been a little bit hurt. Although Moon might seem like the one to not care and Sun to be the only one hurt.

You let out a sleepy sigh as you sit up and rub your eyes a bit. A strand of your (h/c) fell over your face and you tried to blow it away but it didn't work very well so you just left it as it is.

Your phone kept on going off as you turned over to your nightstand and grabbed your phone.

Turned out it wasn't your alarm. But someone is calling you.

You rub your eyes again as you pick up the phone and put it on speaker.
You were too tired to just leave it near your ear.
You place your phone on your nightstand as you let out a sigh.
"Hello?.." you said in a sleepy tone.

"(Y/N)!!" The voice from the other line yelled.

You immediately moved your ear away from the phone as you let out a groan. "Who the hell is this.." you muttered out with a hint of annoyance in your voice.

"Who the hell is this? ITS IRIS YOU DUMBASS!" She yelled once more and at this point you just put the call on the speaker as you left your phone on your bed and walked towards your closet.

"Well sorry... But if you haven't noticed... I'm still tired.." you said followed by a yawn.

"Okay well I didn't realize you were still asleep. But where the hell are you?" She raised her voice slightly, she sounded a bit mad, why is that?

"At home. Where else?" You said as you grabbed some clothes from your closet, it felt so early but at the same time it felt so late.

After picking out what clothes you were going to wear, you turned around and placed your new pair of clothes on your bed.

"We'll get your ass to work already! Your late and I'm not sure if I can keep on distracting Freddy telling him that you and Gregory ain't dead." If you weren't so tired, it sounded like she was frustrated.

But who knows, you couldn't tell.

"Fine, fine. I'll get ready." You walked over to your nightstand and ended the call.

You let out a groan as you looked at your bed and found it empty.

You didn't think much of it and you just shrugged as you turned around and started to take off your shirt.

But you immediately stop as you turn back around to see Gregory not in bed, you started to freak out as you fixed your shirt and you walked out of your room.

"Gregory?" You called out but no response.

You walked towards the bathroom but no one was inside.

"Gregory!" You yelled a bit louder this time before hearing some noise coming from the kitchen.

You immediately started to run towards the kitchen and you actually trip over your own feet as you entered the kitchen.

You look up to see Gregory looking down at you.

His face was covered in batter of some sort. And he was wearing an apron that looked large on him. The kitchen was a slight mess as there were pots and pans scattered on the floor.

~The Promise~ (Sun/Moon X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now