~Chapter 7~

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You covered your mouth with your hands as you looked around the place.. everything was torn, ripped apart, and claw marks were all over the walls and ground..

"H-how did this happen.." you stepped more into the daycare and you let your arms fall to your side.. Sun was nowhere to be found..

This.. was even worse than you imagined.. not a single thing about this was mentioned in the email..

You continue to walk around the daycare for a couple more minutes until you hear a noise.. you quickly turn around to see nothing behind you..

"God.. this place is already creeping me out.." you hug yourself a bit.. honestly this place doesn't give you that same vibe as before.. it used to be filled with little gremlins and dirty ass kids.. and now.. this place looked.. abandoned..

Immediately someone wrapped arms around your waist and picked you up.

"AH!" You swear.. you almost had a heart attack, but you knew this kind of embrace all too well.

"Sunshine!! Oh gosh, I-! We missed you soooo much! We thought you were never gonna come back! Moon didn't even let me say goodbye to you when you left." After a while Sun put you down and you turned around to face him..

He looked the same.. you kind of thought Sun was going to look a bit messed up but.. he looks completely fine. Not one scratch.

"Sun.. what happened here?.." you spoke in a soft voice as you gesture to the daycare.

His smile soon faded and he stayed quiet for a bit before responding "oh! This? Just um.. technical difficulties! Most of this was Moon's fault" he let out a nervous chuckle.

Obviously that had to be a lie.. I mean if this was Moon's fault, Sun could've at least cleaned up the place.. something more happened while you were gone..

But you weren't going to push him.. if he didn't want to tell you that was his choice..

"Well.. we need to do a check up. Just to make sure nothing is damaged or anything" you walk to where you had dropped your stuff earlier.. luckily nothing was broken..

Once you manage to gather all your stuff up you turn around to see Sun sitting on the ground with his legs crossed..

"Good. At least you're sitting still" you walk towards him and hold up the scanner at him.. after a couple moment the screen went green.

'All Clear'

You raised an eyebrow while you stared at the screen then back at Sun.. who had a smile on his face acting like nothing had happened..

"Okay.. well.. your clear.. but I still need to check up on Moon.." after those words Sun immediately stood up with a nervous smile on his face.

"Uh- there's no need sunshine! Moon is completely fine! I'm sure of it" he lets out a nervous chuckle and he looks away from you.

"Sun.. I need to do a check up on Moon. I can't just lie and say I did." You give him a slight look of annoyance.

"(Y/n) like I said he doesn't need a-" his sentence gets cut off by someone opening the door.

"Hello?~ (y/n)? You here?" A familiar voice was heard behind you and you turned around to see Iris.

You smile softly "Yup I'm here alright"

Iris enters the Daycare and walks towards you "what happened? You didn't wait for me" she seemed a bit disappointed and that's when it hit you..

You said you were going to hang out with Iris yesterday.. if only you weren't so busy with Gregory..

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