~Chapter 14~

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(should I make (y/n) have the fear of losing someone? Or having autophobia? Idk you tell me)
Tw: angst?..
The weekend went by really quickly. Too quick to be exact. You and Gregory barely did anything.

You guys just went to go get some ice cream and watched movies and of course your mind continued to race around the twins.

Suns actions continued for days. Even during Naptime Moon doesn't bother you. You didn't, but you didn't think much about it when it comes with Moon. But with Sun, That's when you begin to worry a bit.

Even the kids noticed this and all they care about is playing games and such.

They worried about you and Sun.

Okay, technically everyone you know noticed this.

You started to visit Freddy and Gregory way more often. Iris noticed that you don't talk to the twins anymore and of course she kept on asking what's going on. But you just say it's nothing.

You have been planning on telling Moon that your sorry but whenever you'd ask Sun if he's able to talk, he just says he doesn't want to.

You've almost gave up. But something inside tells you to keep trying. So you did.

But the more you tried the more you lost hope. It's not like Sun to avoid you, Moon? Yeah it's normal for him but Sun is a whole different story.

Maybe Sun doesn't know what happened between you and Moon? But they technically live in the same body so same body, same mind.

It was almost the end of the week already. Well it was Thursday, but hey, a day closer to Friday.

You slump down in your chair and let out a sigh 'God.. I don't want to be someone who is clingy but.. I just miss Sun.. even Moon..'

Something tugs on your sleeve and you look to your side to see the same girl as before.

You sit up straight and smile softly "oh hey. It's you."

She gives you a cute smile and you let out a soft chuckle "I never got your name. Can you tell-" your sentence gets caught off when Sun walked towards you too.

"June! There you are! Come on now, we don't want to bother (y/n)" Sun smiles but it's not his normal smile. It was.. kind of weak.

'so that's her name..' you look at the girl and her smile becomes a frown. Looks likes she's take a liking to you. Sun grabs her hand and they both start to, you just had enough of it.

You stand up and go after Sun once you were close enough you call his name and he turns around "y-yes, (y/n)?.." okay something seemed off..

You stay silent for a couple of seconds before taking a deep breath "why are you and Moon avoiding me?.." Sun's body stiffens a bit before he lets out a nervous chuckle.

"What do you mean? Of course were-"
"Sun.. please don't do that. I've seen it. You barely talk to me anymore and Moon doesn't even give a fuck about me"
"I-! (Y/n), please don't use that kind of language when there are kids here" he mostly said it as a whisper but still.

That's when..
"Sun! At this point I'm not even sure what I'm doing wrong!" You snapped..

Sun flinches a bit at the sudden yelling and all the kids look at you.
"Did I do something to offend you!? I mean, there has to be a reason why you guys don't talk to me anymore!"
"(Y/n).. it's just that-"
"It's just that what!? Give me one good reason why you guys have been avoiding me! Did Moon tell you to stop talking to me!? All just because I was mad that he threatened to hurt my fucking kid!? Is that what it is!? Cause at this point it just looks like you guys hate me!"

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