~Chapter 8~

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You and Iris were sitting down by the window. Turns out her favorite coffee shop was also your favorite coffee shop.

Thankfully this place opened early and there weren't many people. You didn't like crowded places.. made you wonder why you chose the Pizzaplex if it's so crowded..

You were staring out the window.. just lost in your thoughts again.. until a certain someone broke your train of thought..


You look back at Iris who looking at you with a goofy smile.

"What's going on with you guys!?"
"With.. who?..."
"The twins of course!"
"Nothing much.. just a few chats here and there.."
"Really? That's all?"
"Well. What do you expect? Were best friends?"
"Come onnnnnn! There has to be something more!"
"What do you-" your sentence gets cut off by the waiter bringing your guys coffee.

"Here's your coffee! Enjoy" He places the cups in front of both of you and takes his leave..

The whole time you were just staring at him.. he seemed so familiar..

"Is it just me.. or does he look a lot like Shuko.." you muttered out softly as you look at Iris. But she was confused.

"Uh... Who's Shuko?" She said with a nervous chuckle. You were left in shock.

"Shuko. Remember? He introduced me to you?"
"Uh.. sorry (y/n).. but I don't know anybody named Shuko.."

You were left even more speechless.. how could she not know Shuko? Or.. did they never meet?.. no.. you remember him saying he knew Iris.. he even said it himself.. she's the nicest person I'll ever meet.

So how did she not know him...

"Oh I know what's wrong."

You looked around the place before looking back at Iris "what..?"

"You're changing the subject because there is something going on between you and the twins!"

Iris immediately covered your mouth "shhhhhh! We're in a coffee shop! Don't scream so loud."

You push her hand away "Iris why would you say such a thing!? They're robots and I'm human! How is that even possible!?"
"It's possible!"
"How. Tell me how."

Iris hushes you once more while she takes a sip of her coffee and you do the same.

"I've been working there for a while. Wayyyyy before I met you and some people who used to work at the daycare started to catch feelings for the twins." She continues to drink her coffee.

"Wow.. first of all that's weird... Why would people love robots?"
"Hey. Love is love. You can love who you want."
"I know that but.. robots?."
"Hey you have to admit, some of the animatronics are good looking"

You let out a hum in response as you drink your coffee.. it was just a small cup of coffee so you finished pretty quick. God how you missed the taste of coffee.

"I didn't hear a noooo~"
"Iris shut up"
"No thank you!"
"No way in hell will I ever date a robot"
[Oh but that's what you think (y/n) 😏]

You let out a sigh as you look out the window "why not you tell me. Have you ever had feelings for the animatronics?"

She stays quiet for a moment before letting out a small chuckle "uh.. well yeah.." those words stung your heart..

'ugh.. why does this feeling hurt?..'

"Oh but don't worry! I don't anymore! I've moved on" you looked back at her and you raised an eyebrow "who did you used to like?"

"Uh.. the twins.."
"Dude why does everyone have a crush on the twins?"
"Have you seen them!?"
"Yes Iris. I work with them."
"You don't even hang out with them that often!"
"Either way, I don't see how people could like them."
"They're really cute! How Sun gives you amazing hugs and how he's so innocent is just so adorable! And with Moon acting all tough. Damn that just makes him even more hot"

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