~Chapter 11~

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You woke up by the sound of your alarm. You let out a groan and turn off your alarm.

You stay in bed for a couple of minutes before throwing the covers off of you and getting up.

Of course Gregory was still asleep. You didn't feel like waking him up right now. You'll wake him up when you're done with your shower.

So yeah, you went to the bathroom, took a shower. It felt good to have the warm water hit your body.

Once you finish your shower you change into a new pair of clothes and of course you make sure to change the bandage on your leg.

Although it was a pain in the ass.. you still got through it. Still a pain in the ass though.

You head over to your bedroom and you turn on the light. You found out that turning on the light was the best way to wake him up.

You found it quite amusing "Breakfast will be ready soon. So go get ready" you say buu you just got a groan in response.

You shrug and head over to the kitchen. You look through your cabinets and find your (f/c).

[(f/c) = favorite cereal.]

You grab two bowls and pour the cereal in it. You grab some milk from the fridge and pour it into the bowls.

You grab some spoons and take the bowls over to the table. You sat down on the table when something crossed your mind.

"That paper from last night.." you stood up and walked over to your bedroom. Gregory wasn't in there so it looks like he was in the restroom.

You grab the paper that was on your bedside table and your grab your phone and dialed the number.



"Uh.. Hi. I found this number in my pocket and it said 'call me' so.. who is this?.."
"Oh! (Y/n)! How ya been?"

You stay silent for a couple of seconds. Okay this was creepy.. how did this person know your name?

"Uh.. how do you know my name.." you heard a soft chuckle from the phone.

"Woooow the first thing I tell you is to not forget me."
"Well- Im sorry but I dont-"
"(Y/N)! It's Shuko!"

You pause for a second before speaking up"SHUKO!?"

"the one and only"
"How did you-! I mean-! When did you put your number in my pocket!? You were gone the first day I came to work!"
"That's not important right now."
"Not important!?"
"Yeah. Not important."

You stay silent again as you sit down on your bed.

"So how's Gregory?"
"How did you know about-"
"Actually nevermind. Not important"
"Shuko! Stop saying never mind when you know things even when your not here!"
"Okay well. You talking to me right now is wrong."
"Wait what-"
"You shouldn't be talking to me.."
"Why not?"

Then a sudden loud noise came from the phone which caused you to flinch.

"Look (y/n). Listen to me. You can never call this number again. It's too dangerous right now"
"Wait- then why did you leave the note?"
"Because. I thought it was safe but it's not."
"What do you mean it's not safe!?"
"(Y/n)! Listen to me! You need to keep Gregory and the twins safe. No matter what!"
"I-! But why!?"
"Just do it! No more questions"
"But-! Shuko!"

~The Promise~ (Sun/Moon X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now