My Lazy day!(Chapter 10)

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After 10 seconds of standing at the door, FINALLY they walked out the door and I followed out while, "We got morning shift so we will catch up with you guys later, bye!" Mike and Jeremy left. "Hey I'm gonna go to a cafe for breakfast wanna come?" Vincent asked. Fritz and Scott agreed, but I whined, "But it's so faaaaaaaarrrrrr......"(that's pretty much me everyday XD)"Oh come on, now your lazy? Come on (y/n) I want breakfast! So get your ass up!" Vincent said. I stood in front of his car and stared at the door of it, "you gonna get in or what?" Vincent questioned. "I'm too lazy to open it..." I said. Fritz opened the door for me, "Thanks!" We went inside Vincent's purple car (of course), and drove to (favorite/café) (IDK Starbucks, CoffeeBean whatever). We ordered what we wanted and sat down and waited go our food.

Vincent ordered many toasts and coffee while Fritz ordered different types of donuts and coffee. While I ordered (favorite breakfast) and (favorite drink). "Hey wanna try one of my donuts? They're pretty good!" Fritz offered. "Or would you want some toast?" Vincent offered. "Hey I asked her first!" Fritz complained. "Guys...Guuuuuuyyyyysssssss! I'll just try both yeash..." I said, taking both a toast and a (favorite flavor) flavored donut. "Yeah...they're pretty good," I munched the food as I said.

We talked for a while after breakfast then I wanted to play video games on my phone but I was too lazy to take it out. I stared at my pocket then I slowly took it out...and for the best part, I dropped it (XD Happened many times to me).

I stared down at the phone just lying there waiting to be picked up, "Erm...(y/n) what are you looking at?" Vincent asked. He looked under the table to see my phone, he also joined the staring contest with my phone. "You gonna pick it up or not?" he asked. I reached out my hand but I still sat at the same position in my seat. I mouthed a 'please' to Vincent. He sighed and I smiled cheekily. I bend down and took my phone and placed it on the table, I reached out, still at the same position but just not able to reach it by a bit. "OH COME ON?!" Vincent shouted as Fritz snickered.I laughed at Vincent and took my phone and played (any game).

We were gonna head back back home cuz I wanted to do my own things, "Help..." I said putting my hands out for him to pull me up. He sigh as I giggled, he pulled me up and we walked to his car, since he's driving us back. We reached my house, Vincent opened the door for me knowing I'll ask him again. "Thanks for the ride!" I kissed his cheek and waved to them both, they smiled and drove off.
Hey! To be honest, this is me almost everyday! XD Hope you liked this chapter! I got nothin' to say sooooo..... Imma go now byeee! : )

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