(Chapter 14)

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After bathing and changing into much comfortable clothes, I went onto my computer to surf the internet.
~11am~ (cuz I'm lazy)
I checked the time on the clock on the wall, I stood up and stretched. I changed into my uniform and packed my phone, torchlight, some biscuits and my Nintendo if I get bored. Once I opened my front door, I see Mike's car parked outside my house.

I walked to his car and he opened the door for me, "Hey (Y/N)," Mike said politely. "Hi Mikey," I cheered and smiled, Jeremy was also waiting in the car, "H-Hi (Y/N)," he said and smiled nervously. (JEREMY SO KAWAII)

After having small conversations in the car, Mike parked his cat out side the pizzeria. It was about 11.20pm and Mike, Jeremy, Scott and I were here. Fritz and Vincent still haven't arrive yet. We sat in the office together, well not all of us because Scott had to sort out papers with boss.

Jeremy was reading a new manga book, Mike was playing on his Nintendo (I think that's the correct console). I was bored so I scooted my chair closer to Jeremy that seemed to be too engrossed into his Manga. I looked at the cover page, 'Sword Art Online' was what the cover said (Idk I just picked an anime from what I know). I looked at Jeremy who was smiling while reading his manga.

I see Mike also engrossed into his game, so I scooted closer to him and see what he was playing, Pokémon. I also had that game too, I haven't played that game in a while to be honest. Since I was bored, I reached into my bag and pulled out my Nintendo, I switched on my Pokémon game. While roaming around in the game, Mike took a glance at my screen and me, "Wanna battle?" he said smirking. I nodded once, "Alright, give me your best shot,"

(Warning: I'm totally bad at Pokémon games alright? So if I don't make sense then don't kill me ;-;)

Mike's Pokémons were, Tyrantrum, Kyurem, Venusaur, Alakazam. I gotta admit he does have awesome and powerful Pokémons.

Well, no one can stand against my Zygarde, Gardevoir, Diancie and Hydriegon. Whenever I was going to lose a battle, Zygarde would always finish my opponents off and I'd win the game but I'm not too sure about this match, I've never encountered someone almost as OP (over powered if you didn't know) as me. "If I win you treat me StarBucks (or somewhere else you like)!" I said. "Alright game on!" he challenged. From the corner of my eye, I could see Jeremy put down his Manga and looked toward us. He scooted his chair behind us to watch the game.

(Fight scene that I'll suck at)

He threw out his level 45 (idk XD) Alakazam. I threw out my level 41 Gardevoir. Alakazam attacked Gardevoir with poison which was effective (Alakazam has poison attack right?). I switched my Gardevoir to my level 42 Hydriegon. Alakazam attacked which wasn't effective, Hydriegon used Dark attack (am I right?), which was super effective. Mike switched his Alakazam to his level 39 Kyurem, Hydriegon attacked Kyurem with dragon attack which was effective, Kyurem attacked with dragon and ice damage which made Hydriegon faint.

I summoned to my level 50 Diancie. Mike switched his Kyurem to his level 48 Venusaur. I switched Dancie to Gardevoir. Venusaur used a poison attack which was super effective. Gardevoir was on the verge of passing out, it used Psychic which was critical attack, it knocked Venusaur unconscious.

Mike summoned Kyurem and Gardevoir attacked it with fairy attack. Kyurem finished Gardevoir off with it's dragon attack. I summoned Diancie again and Kyurem attacked it with dragon attack, which wasn't effective. Diancie attacked Kyurem with Rock which made Kyrumen faint. He summoned his Alakazam again. Diancie attacked Alakazam, then Alakazam managed to decrease Diancie's health to lower. Diancie attacked Alakazam one more time and Alakaam finished Diancie off.

"I WIN!" Mike cheered. "No I still have I pokemon," I said. I summoned the all and mighty level 65 Zygarde! Mike's face dropped and I laughed at his reaction. Alakazam attacked Zygarde which only decreased it's health by a little. Zygarde attacked Alakazam with Dragon and made Alakazam faint. Mike summoned his level 59 Tyrantrum. Zygarde attacked Tyrantrum wth dragon attack which got Tyrantrum to three quarters of it's health. Tyrantrum used dragon attack as well and took up three quarters of Zygarde's health. Zygarde used ground attack and was critical damage and it knocked Tyrantrum out.

"I WIN A FREE TRIP TO STARBUCKS!" I put my hands in the air and did my little victory jig. "Good game and cool pokemons you got," Mike complimented, smiling a bit. "I did a cheeky smile and said, "You too Mike!" Jeremy clapped for the good game and my victory. Just in time Vincent and Fritz walked into the office. "What did we miss?" Fritz asked.


Hey! Took me 2 hours to go research on the pokemons and see their powers and yeah...I'm really tired from all the research and lol so many frikin' pokemons man, I can't even. XD Alright someone suggested that reader-chan beats Mike at pokemon, so theres your wish. Pls comment below on what ideas you wanna share and you can also add in characters if ya want. Bye guys~ :)

-Bloody Artist :)

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