Forty-Two: Santiago Family Vacation

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I stepped through the door, and threw my key card on the table. I looked at all the clothes thrown around the room. I placed the food down on the table, and made my way to the closet. I peeped in and Chris had a face full of tears.

"Chris why are you crying?" I questioned, moving towards her.

"Because, nothing fits- and I look like a beach whale" she sobbed, throwing a pair of pants at me.

She mugged me and threw her sandal at me after that.

"Baby, why are you throwing stuff at me?"

I kind of already knew the answer. I just wanted to hear her say it out loud.

"Cause your big headed ass caused this shit. I knew I should have gotten pregnant by Cole or Omar. I promise you....ooooh. My daughter better look like me, and not your ugly gremlin looking ass." She mumbled, throwing another shoe my way.

I laughed, and made my way towards her.

"I didn't do this by myself though. I can't help the OG blessed you with gold, and my pull out game is nonexistent." I chuckled, watching a pout form on her face.

"X that's not funny, and it's not funny that my favorite dress won't fit either." She muttered.

"Does the dress not fit, or are you being paranoid because you have a small, noticeable pudge?"

She rolled her eyes because she knew I was right. As always she was being overly dramatic. A pregnant dramatic Chris, was worse than non-pregnant Chris.

"Look at how it looks though, its tight Xavier." She pouted, pulling at the dress.

"Baby, you are pregnant. Your body is going to go through changes. Most, or all of your clothes will not fit anymore. That does not mean you are any less attractive to me. You've always been beautiful to me since day one. I always tell you that too." I replied, smiling at her.

"But I won't be attractive to Cole and Omar though" she muttered, wiping at her eyes.

I couldn't even be mad at the shade she threw. Simply because the look on her face had me dying on the inside. Like she was dead ass serious.

"Well look at it this way, you have a regular Joe who loves the hell out of you. No matter how fat your ankles will get, and no matter how much your nose spreads. I will always love you. Even if you love Omar and Cole more than me." I replied, placing a kiss on her temple.

She giggled, and I pulled her against me.

"Go out there and strut your stuff baby. You and my junior still look good." I chuckled, as I stood up and held my hand out to her.

She took it, and I pulled her up slowly. I kissed her forehead. As we made our way out of the closet- my cell started ringing. Chris picked it up and looked at it.

"It's Chris babe"

She passed me my phone and on the third ring I answered it.


"Will you three cut it out? I will take my belt off. Try me if you want to."

"Hello" I spoke again, letting out a chuckle.

"Who you threatening?"

"China, King, and Belle. You would think, with her being the adult she would know better." He sighed.

"Damn. Who threatens to beat a grown ass woman though?"

"Me" he laughed.


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