3: Wrecked

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"I'm just right here dancing around to the rhythm
The rhythm that you play when you're breaking my heart
You know that I can't get you out of my system
Yeah, right from the start, you played with my heart"


I stormed into my company and all eyes turned to me. I could hear whispers everywhere, and it made my knuckles white from rage.

"M-Mr.Xander...?" I saw Chris talking with the receptionist.

I grabbed his collar and slammed him against the wall, "Listen up, you piece of-"

"Mr.Xander! I'm sorry! Please! It's not my fault! I don't know anything!"

"Security!" I heard a man yell. Within seconds, two familiar, bulky men held my arm and dragged me away from Chris.

"Let me go, or I'll fire everyone here!" I yelled. They immediately obeyed out of fear.

"You can't do that, Mr.Xander."

I turned to find the same man who yelled for security. He wasn't wearing an ID, unlike my other employees.

"And you are?"

"Reed Fischer. I work under Mr.Choi and he has given me authority over this company."

"I'd like to meet Mr.Choi."

"That won't be possible," he smiled, "You built an incredible place, Mr.Xander. But now it belongs to Mr.Choi. You can't trespass in here anymore and next time, you'll be arrested."

"Mr.Choi would never ask for this, someone is manipulating him," I glared.

"Guards, please escort Mr.Xander outside," Reed told my men.

"Try touching me one more time and you know what I can do," I warned and neither of them stepped forward.

"You seem to have a lot of power over the people here, Mr.Xander. They tremble whenever they see you. Must have felt good." Reed chuckled, "But you see, I think that's one reason why everyone will be relieved if you left."

"Enough. I want you to fix me a meeting with Mr.Choi."

Reed gritted his teeth and took out his phone. He called the cops, "A man is trying to trespass into our company."

I wanted to strangle him when Trent stopped me, "Mr.Xander... Please... Come with me..."

"Don't touch me," I snapped at him, and he immediately left my arm.

"Mrs.Xander is in the car... She uh... She seems to be in pain" He whispered.

I looked towards the glass doors and saw Chelsea attempting to climb the stairs by herself. If she lost her balance, my child could die. Trent followed suit when I walked out of the building.

"What if you fall?" I glared and grabbed Chelsea by the arm before leading her back to the car.

"Your lawyer told me that you would start a fight here... I took all the documents and came as soon as possible. You'll find some way out of this mess."

"We're going home," I sighed, "Take her in your car, Trent."

"No," Reed Fischer said while coming down the stairs. "That car belongs to the company and you work under Mr.Choi, Trent. You can't take the Xanders without proper permission. You brought the woman here, I'll excuse that, but next time you could get fired."

Trent hung his head in defeat.

"You are free to walk away from here, Mr.Xander."

I was tired of this bullshit.

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