39: Pain

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"Here's to the ones that we got
Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not
'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
Of everything we've been through"


I was halfway done with another busy working day when an unusual phone call from Jay diverted me from my laptop.

Heavy sobbing was the first thing I heard.

"Jay? Is that you?" I frowned.

"M-Mr.Xander... I- I... I don't know what to do!" He wailed.

"Calm down, what's happening? Where are you?" I skimmed through my next meeting schedule. I didn't have one until five in the evening.

"It-It's Jim... I... H-He...!" Jay continued to sob bitterly. My blood ran cold. The worst possible outcome raced through my head.

"Fucking calm down. Where are you?" I snapped.

"R-Rashmond Hospital... ER..."

"Get your damn act together. I'll be there in a minute. You hear me?"

"O-okay..." He sniffed.

I grabbed my coat and marched out of my room. Mathew was going through some files in the corridor when I shouted, "Mathew! I'll be away for a few hours. Get things sorted accordingly." He grew startled and fumbled with the files before chasing after me.

"But Mr.Xander the meeting at 5 is important. Is this some sort of emergency? Do you want me to do anything?"

"I'll be there for the meeting. Keep things in control till I return from the hospital."

"Hospital?" He paused.

"Jay was crying over the phone spewing some bullshit. It's about Jim and I honestly don't know what to expect. Stay here and if Chelsea calls, don't tell her anything," I squeezed his shoulder before hurrying towards the elevator.

Just as I clicked the button for the parking lot, a hand shot between the doors causing them to fly open again. Mathew stepped into the elevator with me and clutched his knees in an attempt to catch his breath.

"What are you doing?" I shook my head in confusion.

He straightened himself, fixed his tie and his glasses, "I... I don't know..." My PA whispered.


"Please, Mr.Xander. I must go too... Please."

His eyes begged me, and his very posture was just as tense as mine. It didn't make sense what the scrawny kid was trying to do but I didn't have time for questions. When we reached my car, I asked him to get in, and he promptly did.

During the drive, Mathew was a bundle of nerves. Even though I felt the same way in my heart, I refused to jump to conclusions too fast.

The nurse at the reception recognized me immediately. "Mr.Xander, what brings you here?" She asked. She was the one appointed by Dr.Hudson to take care of Chelsea and my baby.

"I'm looking for uhh... Jay... In the ER. He must have come in just now," I replied.

"The one who came with an unconscious old man?"



"Follow me, sir."

The nurse led us behind closed doors till I finally spotted Jay on one of the metal chairs. His head hung low as a fellow nurse, caressed his back while whispering something. Dr.Hudson was next to him, conversing with another doctor. He looked up in surprise. "Mr.Xander-?"

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