~ ~ Night In The Club ~ ~

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Compared to most clubs in the city, De Luna was the most reputed. Mainly because it was reserved for the rich and beautiful. It had always been my first choice every night. The music wasn't too loud near the bar and I leaned back on the counter while analyzing the crowd.

"The usual, Mr.Xander?" Josh smiled at me and I nodded. He handed me a glass of scotch and dropped an ice ball into it, "You're a little late today. What's up?"

This was the annoying part about Josh. He loved prying into my life and I hated his questions.

"I was busy."

"Hmm. Did you hear? I got a raise!" He grinned and kept talking rubbish.

It was hard to pick a girl. Most of them were blonde or dyed. They were always a good fuck but in the morning, they caused headaches.

I needed something bold but tame.

Someone that would let me go all out.

After all, today had been good. I managed to end the dispute between my company and a few foreign partners. They were happy with the new contract and Xander Corp wouldn't run into any problems for a long time. I deserved to celebrate the achievement with the sexiest girl.

"Mr.Xander! It's been a long time since I met you!" The manager, Mr.Lyse sat down in front of me. He was a man in his forties and his body weight seemed to have doubled in the time that I hadn't seen him.

"How are you liking my place?" He sipped a glass of whiskey.

"You need to replace the older women."

"Duly noted," he chuckled.

Right then, one of the pole dancers stepped down and a new girl took her place. She beamed at everyone.

A brunette. A fucking gorgeous brunette.

She was the most beautiful girl in the club.

Hell, she was the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen in my life. She looked about nineteen, or eighteen, but the way her dark locks fell over her red lingerie...

It turned me on.

"Who's that?" I pointed with my drink.

"Oh... That's uh... Roxy."

"Never seen her before."

"She's new here, Mr.Xander," the manager mumbled.


I sipped my drink and kept watching her grind against the pole. She had a tight ass and the perfect figure. Often, makeup made most women look uglier but not this brunette.

"I'll pay for her."

"No! I can't let you have her... I'm very sorry Mr.Xander."

I turned to face him, Mr.Lyse rarely had resolute eyes.


"Er... She's underaged... She's just um... sixteen"

Any idiot could tell that she was not a kid.

"Then your establishment could get closed."

"Yes... Um... She came here willingly you see... But it's just the stripping part that she does. You can have anyone but her."

"She knows her way around a pole even though she's just sixteen."

Mr.Lyse didn't reply, so I walked over to Roxy's tiny stage before the manager could stop me.

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