19: Fireworks

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The sun had set by now and we left the apartment as soon as Chelsea and Susan were done dressing Lucy in her best clothes. My rainbow cupcake looked extremely beautiful, as always.

"There are going to be so many stalls, games, and food. Everything will be super cheap. There's even a floating stage that they built on the river!" My wife exclaimed as we neared the bridge.

There were a lot of people around. Most of them were cheerful, drunk, and poor. I didn't want to get involved in the crowd, but Chelsea had a firm grip around my arm. I held Lucy as my wife dragged me to all the places in the pretense of following Susan. I hated that woman with all my heart.


Jim's loud voice made nearly everyone turn and laugh. He just embarrassed me more than anyone in my life.

"You could've been louder," I glared at him.

"Heh, someone's feeling sarcastic!"

Susan was introduced to the boys and Chase blushed when she kissed his cheek. Jay didn't fail to mock him for it.

But my attention was fixed on Chelsea who looked much prettier than ever before. She wore a small but beautiful necklace. I made a mental note to buy her a diamond once I return as CEO of Xander Corp.

Or maybe she looked gorgeous because she was wearing a brilliant smile.

"Guys, this is Isabelle, my girlfriend." Chuck smiled while introducing the teenager next to him. She looked about sixteen or seventeen, but she was polite.

When everyone were familiar with each other, Susan linked her arms with Chelsea and Isabelle, "Let's go explore!" Jim and Chase accompanied the women while Jay and Chuck stayed back with me. We found a vacant spot on the grass that had a good view of the stage and different stalls.

Jay bought multiple beers and passed them to me and Chuck. "I don't feel like drinking," I told them and settled down with Lucy on my lap.

"What, why?!"

"It's not worth it."

"Damn..." Jay laid down on the grass while gulping more of his beer. A single mouthful of beer could make him terribly drunk and Chuck snatched the bottle from him on realizing this.

"Why didn't you go with Isabelle..." Jay slurred.

"I want her to see things on her own."

"Hic... Or are you bored of her?"

"What the hell, man? I fucking love her." Chuck pushed him and he cackled while rolling around in the grass.

"You love her?" I scoffed.

"Yeah, she's my whole world."

"You're just living your age."

"I swear I'm not," Chuck grinned, "I'm not giving up on Isabelle no matter how old we get."

"Why? You're still young, you'll find plenty of other women."

"It's not about that, Mr.Xander... She's the nicest person I've ever met. Her mom died when she was young and she loves her dad a lot. He's often drunk though and doesn't have a job. She does everything to take care of him and her little brothers. Working two or three jobs a day... Coming home late... She rarely spends time for herself and I've never seen anyone as selfless as her... She's just incredibly beautiful in my eyes," he sighed.

Love was a very weird thing.

Loud rock music began blaring from the speakers and it hurt my ears. I wrapped the scarf tightly around Lucy and laid back on the grass with her next to me. "Let's watch the stars," I caressed her small head and stared up.

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