22: Fate

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"I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done"


The call in the morning caught me off guard.

Mathew found a lead.

As soon as possible, I headed over to the gym where even Jeffrey agreed to meet me. He seemed to have taken a liking to the place and to Jim.

"I talked to Mathew and what do you know! Reed Fischer used to go by the name Patrick Flaurenz. A French man who was your sales head six years ago. He was only 23 at that time, so he is brilliant."

Patrick Flaurenz didn't ring a bell though.

Probably because I was never interested in knowing the names of those under me.

"Why did he stop working at Xander Corp?"

"He didn't stop working, boss, you fired him." Jeffrey narrowed his eyes at me, "It isn't even surprising anymore," he muttered.

"But over something that silly... He's gone so far... You must have fucked up pretty bad, Ballerina," Jim turned to me.

Jeffrey always cackled when he addressed me by that fucking nickname.

"He used to treat his workers like his dogs. Even worse than dogs actually!"

"He treats everyone in the same way. Look at Chelsea! To think that girl has to put up with him every day and night!"

Jeffrey and Jim could be such assholes when together.

My phone rang with Chelsea's name on the screen. She always had a fucked-up timing. I hung up immediately.

"That was her, wasn't it?" Jim shook his head in disappointment.

"I feel so bad for her..." Jeffrey sighed.

"Why can't you at least answer her calls?!"

"Because she is my wife and nothing about her concerns either of you!" I growled at them.

"I thought that after such a hasty wedding, she'd be just as quick to abandon you, but damn, she stayed. It doesn't make sense why. Look, you have to be a little nicer."

"Hasty wedding?" Jim turned to my lawyer.

"Yes. He brought this girl in his car, came to my office, and asked me to get the legal documents for a marriage. They signed the papers and left. Chelsea looked so broken all the while and I couldn't even interfere in anything..."

They grimaced at me but I got up and walked out of the place. This always happened. Every serious conversation about my company ended in Chelsea. It didn't make sense why or how, but it always got on my nerves.

She had so many people to care for her, yet she loved me.

Chelsea was very delusional.

Last night when I arrived home, she was constantly whimpering and groaning until she fell asleep. Cramps were supposed to be natural. Even though I didn't know what it felt like, at least it wouldn't be as painful as giving birth.

She had put up with the latter quite well.

Hence, she shouldn't be whining over stupid cramps.

I went up the stairs to my apartment and knocked. The door opened and I was surprised to find Susan holding Lucy. Immediately, I stepped back to make sure that I was at the right door.

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