~ ~ First Kiss ~ ~

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This time, things are going to be from Danny's POV!

Guess what happened when Leo left his Rainbow Cupcake with the little boy?

It was around 4 in the evening when I went up the hospital stairs.

The idea of meeting Mr.Xander always sent chills down my spine. Boy, was he terrifying...

If he even attempted to yell at me, I would piss my pants. Even Gary thought that he gave Batman vibes.

But then I saw her...

The most beautiful little thing in the world.

Not even Ma was as pretty as Lucy.

Sparkly green eyes like emeralds.

Mrs.Xander must be pretty as well, but I doubted if anyone could outdo Lucy.

"Mr.Xander?" I walked over to him with my hands stuffed in my jacket. I didn't want him or Lucy to smell the shrimp and dirty lake water on me. "Were you out shrimping?" He scowled.

Chicken shit.

"N-no I... I was just going around... Town..." I mumbled while shuffling my feet.

He leaned back on the metal chairs with Lucy pressed against his chest. Man, she looked so cute all the time. Gary would probably call me a loser for thinking that girls were cute. That too, a baby. He'd definitely want to disown me.

"The pastor asked about you again."

He exhaled in frustration, "Tell him to mind his damn business."

Mr.Xander just swore at a pastor!

He certainly was a top-tier badass.

Right then, a doctor stepped out of Mrs.Xander's room. "Yes, you made it on time," he shook Mr.Xander's hand.

"How is she?"


What the hell was wrong with these doctors?!

"Could you um..." The doc glanced at me, "... Step inside? Please, leave the baby with a nurse or the boy."

Why wasn't I allowed in the conversation?

The doc went behind the door again and Mr.Xander reluctantly turned to me, "No matter what happens, you will not drop her."

"I won't," I nodded.

"You will not shake her around or try anything funny. Am I clear?"

I was close to pissing. Very close.

"Yes sir."

He finally handed Lucy over and walked inside.

All this time, I had thought that watching her was cute but holding her felt like holding a large adorable marshmallow.

Lucy had her tiny arms on my shoulder and I smiled at the baby. "One day when I grow up... I'll be a better doctor than all the adults here..." I whispered, "I will be able to save everyone. Even those like my dad and your mom, I promise."

Her attention stayed on my face. She patted the tip of my nose while cooing and I couldn't help but giggle. She was so cute.

Next thing I knew, Lucy got distracted by the silver pendant around my neck. She clutched it in her tiny palm and was about to put it inside her mouth till I stuffed it back into my shirt.

"Such a baby," I chuckled.

But she tried to lean up in my arms. "Ah, Lucy stay still!" I thought I nearly dropped her when she attempted to climb over my shoulders.

Just as she reached up, my heart nearly exploded.

Her soft small lips brushed past mine.

My face turned bright red.

A baby just stole my first kiss.

Jesus Christ, I had no bad intentions!

It was a total accident!

"Remember what I said-"

I grew startled when the doc and Mr.Xander stepped out of the closed ward. He nodded at Dr.Hudson and took Lucy from my arms. She seemed pretty happy to be back with him.

Only if my Dad was with me too...

"Why's your face red?" Mr.Xander narrowed his eyes at me.

Oh my god.

If he learned that I kissed his daughter, he would probably snap my neck or something.

Worse, he'd shoot me multiple times in the chest.

There was no telling what the guy would do.

"I-It's nothing. I'm gonna go now, bye." I practically ran out of the place.

My heart was beating too fast.

Nothing had ever felt like this.

But she was a baby! A pacifier-sucking adorable little marshmallow thing!

Her lips were so soft.

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Last Edited - 06/02/24

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