21: Kidnapping

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"There's a million different reasons
We shouldn't be together
But when I put it all together
It all comes back to you"


I was very mad.

The guys knew that it was normal, hence they didn't pry.

I was more disappointed than mad.

Disappointed in myself.

Chelsea was quite content with the shower last night. She stayed in my arms, leaning against my bare chest. She insisted on wanting to cover me in lather but I stopped her.

I knew that she was just desperate to fall on her knees and blow my mind.

But I didn't want that at the time.

As soon as I was dressed, sleep took over me. In the morning when I woke up, my hand was wrapped around her partly naked body with my face buried in her neck. I wanted to make the morning count.

On trailing kisses down her neck, Chelsea woke up. My hand rubbed her exposed clit as she was only wearing an oversized t-shirt.

Chelsea moaned as I rubbed circles around her sweet spot and climbed over her. Just as I pushed a finger inside, she made a face. It was the same expression from when I took her virginity.

A feeling of unexplainable physical pain.

Chelsea immediately scurried out of the bed and clutched her waist. "I think I'm on my period..."

"But you taste normal..." I muttered and licked my fingers.

Chelsea went to the bathroom without another word. She had shut the door and didn't let me in as she was wearing her pads or something. A little blood wasn't going to matter but I had to leave unsatisfied.

A whole fucking week without her tight pussy was a nightmare.

I was already missing it so damn much.

Moreover, I'd have to put up with the crappy mood swings.

Even though I barely disclosed anything with the guys, they guessed that my temper was related to Chelsea, as usual.


"We're going to need a car," I turned to Jim.

"Maybe I could bring the one from work?" Chuck spoke up.

"No... We'll be risking our jobs..." Chase mumbled.

"Mr.Choi is not going to report this. He gave the idea himself," I assured them.

"We understand that Mr.Xander... But if our boss finds out that his car is missing, he'll definitely fire us!"

"There has to be some other way," Jim sighed.

We pondered over it for a while until Jeffrey's name flashed on my cell. I had told him about the fake kidnapping plan just to get Mr.Choi alone. He had been too excited over it than I imagined.

"Hello, Mr.Xander! How's the plan going?" He asked.

"It's a major problem since we don't have a car."

"That's it?" He asked, amusement laced in his tone.

"Yes. I'm busy with it now. I'll call you once we're settled," I replied in annoyance and was about to hang up.

"You could use mine."


I couldn't tell if he was being serious.

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