35: Steady

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"Oh what a mess I'm in, You're so masculine
Sweet like cherry cola
Dripping confidence, Lose my common sense
Kiss you till I'm sober"



Chelsea's whimpering woke me up.

"It feels like someone's whacking my head with a scythe," she squeezed her temples tightly.


I felt it too.

My head was being split open by something.

What the fuck did Jim give me?

I groggily went through my nightstand for an aspirin strip before popping a pill in my mouth and handing another to Chelsea with a bottle of water.

I sat up in bed and leaned back on the headboard, trying to remember everything from last night.

"A rabid cat attacked me."

I muttered, staring at the fresh scars on my arms and chest that my wife had left. There were even more on my back.

Chelsea looked up at me and scoffed.

"You think a rabid cat attacked you? Mister, I can't move."

I stared at her for a while, Chelsea was hiding herself under the covers. Once I laid back down, I pulled the sheets off of her.

At least, my memory of leaving countless hickeys was right.

But most of them were dark blue.

"Even the accident hadn't wrecked me this much," Chelsea muttered, squeezing her neck to relieve her aching muscles.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek, "You were good last night."

She stared at me in disbelief, "I was?"

"Yes, you should ride me often."

"Why thank you," she smiled and turned to caress my stubble, "And now I can't move because of that."

I pondered over her words for a while before getting up and lifting her in my arms. "What are you doing?" Chelsea gasped, suddenly feeling embarrassed to be naked in broad daylight.

While carrying her to the jacuzzi, I realized that even the tip of her fingers had gone blue. The warm water made every sore spot feel better, it even helped with my headache.

"Remind me to be gentle next time," I whispered in her ear.

Chelsea hummed, her eyes were closed and she looked all too comfortable against my chest with my arms around her.

"Don't shave this, okay?" She caressed the hair on my chest that grew out just as much as my stubble.

"Your fetishes are weird."

She chuckled and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Lucy was on the living room floor with her toys while I was working on the couch.

"I said I couldn't walk- Ow!"

Chelsea stepped on one of the toys and jumped in pain. Being dramatic as usual, she limped before collapsing on the couch wincing. Chelsea was lying on her back, annoyed by the fact that she couldn't rest her head on my lap because of my laptop.

"It hurts..." She groaned and squirmed while holding her foot.

"Were you waiting for me to carry you out of the tub?" I muttered.

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