29: Favour

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"Baby, everything could change
In the middle of the night so
If we make it through today
Say you'll stay with me tomorrow"


Just as I predicted, Chelsea was able to sit up soon, even though her lower body was extremely stiff. The physiotherapist told me that it would take a very long time for her to heal completely.

After putting up with two entire weeks of stubbornness, I finally gave in to my wife's request to let her hold Lucy. Just in case, I asked Dr.Carter to monitor things with me.

"My little angel!" Chelsea showered kisses on our daughter's face and Lucy began squirming around, feeling just as excited.

"Aww! I missed you so much! So much, young lady!"

I smiled. The scene even warmed Dr.Carter's heart.

"Can I have a word?" I turned to her, "Outside."

The doc nodded while Chelsea kept pouting at me. When I asked the doctor about the hysterectomy in private, it was obvious that she hadn't thought it through.

"I don't recommend telling her now... Especially if you were hoping for more kids... Were you?"

"Er... I don't know..." I muttered, wondering how the question suddenly turned so personal.

"You don't even know what she wants," Dr.Carter shook her head disapprovingly.

"Should I ask her?"

"Of course not!" She snapped, "Not now. Let her at least start walking."


"And make sure to warn all visitors not to bring it up. We don't want her to go into another shock."

I nodded and headed back inside.

"She knows to sit on her own!" Chelsea exclaimed upon seeing me. "She even said dad," I replied making Chelsea's eyes widen.

"No way!"

"She did."

"She's not even six months old!"

"Well... She might have skipped one letter but she said 67% of the word. She said Da."

Chelsea burst out laughing while squeezing Lucy against her bosom. "Daddy badly wants you to talk, sweetheart. I bet you're going to say Mom first."

I scoffed at this and sat by the bed.

"What did Dr.Carter say? Can I feed her yet?"

"Uh... If you feel healthy enough, I think it's fine. Lucy must have missed your boobs-"

"Don't say that in front of her!" Chelsea smacked my arm.

"Whatever. I have to meet someone."

"Where do you keep disappearing, Leo?" She groaned.

"Mr.Wilson's kids... They haven't visited in a long time. I am going to find them."

"Oh... I feel terrible for them... guilty actually..." Chelsea mumbled while caressing Lucy's head.

"It's not your fault. The boys will be fine, they are pretty mature for their age."

Chelsea sighed, "To think they have to go around selling shrimp instead of attending school."

"I am going to put an end to that today."

"What will you do?" Chelsea asked as I got up from the bed.

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