7: Infidelity

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"We'd always go into it blindly
I needed to lose you to find me
This dancing was killing me softly
I needed to hate you to love me"


Lucy was a month old by now and she would attempt to roll on the bed. It was incredible to see how quickly she was growing up.

When Leo got back that night, he was desperately on the phone with someone.

"Just connect me to Mr.Campbell," he told the woman on the other end.

"I'm sorry, sir, but Mr.Campbell won't be answering any calls after 9 pm."

"Tell him that it's Leonardo Xander. I own Xander Corp." He gritted his teeth.

"You don't own that company anymore, Mr.Xander. You have to make an appointment."

"Fine. When can I see him?" Leo clenched his fists in frustration.

"He's free next month sir."

"I'll have to wait a damn month?"

"There's nothing else that I can do about it, Mr.Xander. I'll inform you after fixing the date and time, have a good evening." She hung up on him.

"Damn that Jeffrey!" Leo yelled and threw his cell on the bed. As usual, he grabbed his pack of cigarettes and smoked on the balcony. It was such a disgusting habit, his mouth always tasted like charcoal after smoking.

Lucy began crying again, "Shut her up, Chelsea!" He yelled from the balcony. Yet again, he was in a terrible mood. I breastfed her and Lucy went quiet for a while.

"Give me your phone, I need to make a call. Mine died," He came out from the balcony and grabbed my cell from the shelf.


He glared at my cell before his scary eyes fell on my face, "Why are there so many missed calls from Trent?"


"I h-haven't answered his calls"

"I can see that but why is he calling you every day?" Leo questioned.

"He might be worried or something..." I whispered.

"Chelsea, look at me." His voice was dangerously low, making me gulp. "Why do you look scared?"

"You have this scary way of interrogating people, Leo!" I snapped.

"You had the same look on your face when you lied about Lucy being a boy. You're lying again."

I didn't reply.

"I'll ask him myself." He was about to call Trent when I left Lucy on the bed, in an attempt to stop him.

"Don't call him! I'll tell you!" I begged.

Leo hung up and stared down at me, his eyes were colder than ever.

"I wanted to tell you earlier b-but I was scared and-"

"What the hell does that mean?"

I couldn't help but tremble, Leo was extremely terrifying. There was no telling what he was capable of. I've heard so many stories about husbands murdering their wives for cheating... It made me pale all over.

"I- I s-slept with him."

I didn't dare to look up at his face but his silence scared me, "I was in my f-first trimester and you w-were always so distant... T-Trent was just there during a-all that... I'm s-sorry... I'm so, s-so sorry... I just-"

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