An Incident

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My legs were noodles. My throat was on fire. My core felt as though it was tightly bound by rope.

I was only on my twelve lap. I had ran my first ten before while the entire class karate chopped their opponents. I was currently running my last ten. By some miracle, I hadn't collapsed or thrown up, but I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. My legs were jelly and my stomach was churning. 

It didn't help that Mr. Clark was sitting on the bleacher watching my every move. Get a fricken life you pervert. 

"Ok, lap thr- ree . Only sev- seven mo-re to go." I gasped softly to myself.

My "running" was basically a crawl at this point, my feet shuffled across the squeaky gym floor. I didn't have the energy to pick them up anymore. 

Time blurred as my gaze became more and more unfocused and hazy. I had just started lap eight when my vision turned black and I tumbled into the dark abyss that awaited me.

I heard small ripples of sound, which was mostly Mr. Clark swearing, between the constant ringing in my ears. I managed to open my heavy eyelids and was met with Mr. Clark's angry face directly over me. I rolled to my side and attempted to push myself up because I expected to get yelled.

I was surprised when a hand on my shoulder pushed me back down. "Don't get up. The nurse is on the way."

As I rested my head against the hard wood floor, the dull throbbing on the back of my head began to painfully sting. As if small pricks of a needle dipped in poison were continuously being stabbed into my head. 

I winced and reached back to rub the ache away. My hand was met with a clumpy mess of hair. I  put my hand directly before my eyes and my blurry vision made out a dark red color coating my fingers. 

I gasped and instantly reached backwards to check how bad the wound was. Mr. Clark grabs my wrist and firmly pressed a towel to the back of my head. "Don't touch it. Head wounds bleed a lot. It's hard to tell if you'll need stitches or not."

"Stitches." I shrieked. "You don't have my consent to put stitches in my head and I wouldn't be bleeding if you didn't make me keep running."

Mr. Clark frowned down at me, anger shimmered beneath his coal black eyes. "Don't test me, girl. When you're back on your feet you will finish those laps."

I kept my mouth shut not wanting to run more than those laps. Seriously though, what dickhead threatens someone with laps while they are bleeding out.

The pain in my head started making my stomach churn and my eyesight turn white at the edges. All I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and pass out. But, the slightest twitch of my head made my head throb so I stopped moving and went limp. I didn't trust Mr. Carter enough to show how much pain I was in.

Soon enough, a short, plump women with chin length, black hair rushed into the gym pushing a wheel chair before her. I groaned, how embarrassing. I was going to be wheeled away because I fell. But, there was nothing I could do. I mentally cussed out Mr. Clark while he watched the nurse picked me up with ease and placed me in the chair.

The white spots kept eating away at my vision. I tried my hardest to stay awake. 

"Ok, dear. We are almost there. We're going to call your emergency contact guardian and then take a look at your head. You're doing great. Just try and stay awake. Focus on that red door ahead." The nurse's reassuring voiced waved in and out as my hearing kept ringing.

I tried to face forward and pay attention to my surroundings. The nurse rushed me into the room  behind red door and the wheel chair was jerked to a stop. A few second went by before someone else grabbed and gently laid me on a bed with crinkly paper. 

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