part 1

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10 years later

15yr old sangjin was getting ready to go to school, her first day of school she can't wait to meet all her friends again, she ran downstairs and there she saw her little sister Lee kimmy who was 6yrs old, sangjin join the dinner table where her parents was she ate breakfast with them.

M; ready for school?
S: Yeah, I can't wait to see all my friends!
D: Half of your friends because, well, not all friends are going to be there.
S: I know, dad.

They smiled and ate together before heading out, her parents are working in a big famous business together and making more money and they both got promoted because they have been showing good work and their ceo loves them so he promoted them and of course they accept it because they are doing it for their kids, later sangjin left the house first before her family she walked cuz the school is near her house but kimmy has to take the bus cause her school is not close sometimes their parents well take them to school but not today. Sangjin got to the school, and she was at the gate gasped because of how big the school was.

S: Wow.
?: sangjin!

She widened her eyes and trun around and there saw her two friends Emma and Rose she yelled of excitement and ran towards them and hugged them, they all were jumping.

S: You guys go here. I'm so happy im not alone.
E: we are too!
S: Where's Una and Samantha?
R: Oh, they don't go to this high school, they go to the one near their home.
S: Oh, that's sad. I loved them now. I'm going to miss them.
E: same. But at least we have each other.
R: Yeah.
S: You're right. Riverdale is going to be fun as freshmens let's make it work.
All: Yeah!

They all went inside the school. Meanwhile, back in korea in Seoul, 15-year-old jungkook was in the middle of studying for school, and his friends jumped on him.

Jk: woah!
V: yo jungkook!
Jk: Hey guys, what's up?
Jm: Oh, you know, let's skip class and get out of here.
Jk; why?
Rm: bro, we're bored. School is boring. Let's go take a smoke.
Jk: I would but I can't, I need to finish my studies.
Rm: fine your lost.

They left him he smiles, and continued doing his work, and then after school, he was home eating lunch with his family. He looked around, and the table was just quiet.

Jk, um, what's up with you guys?
D: Son, listen.
Jk, yeah, I'm listening.
D: Me and your mother got a job offer.
Jk: Okay.
M: From the states.
Jk: What?! Wait, you're saying we are leaving Korea because of work?

They nodded.

Jk: But my friends here, I'm going to miss them. They've been my friends snice sangjin left.
M: I know, honey, but you'll see her again in the States.
Jk: i......

Jungkook was sad, leaving all his friends behind to go where sangjin could be.

Jk: What if sangjin is not gotta be in the state we are going to?
D: I know it's gotta be hard to find her, but we know she could be happy wherever she is.
Jk: ever snice i turn 7 she stopped calling how do I know she's okay?
M: She is, I mean, yeah, contacts got cut off, but I bet she'll remember you.
Jk; I doubt that.
M: So what do you  say? Moving to the States for work with us?
Jk: Fine.
D: we'll be packing soon, so get ready to tell your friends.
Jk; okay.

Sangjin was in her first class and she was nervous very much she didn't have any friends in there so she took a deep breath in and out and then there was a tap on her shoulder she looked and noticed it was just boys behind her fooling around they had ended up throwing her their pencil she roll her eyes and looked away. It was lunchtime, and sangjin was in lunch with her friends.

S: Thank god we got lunch together.
R: Yeah, haha.
S: The classes were nerve wreacking. I barely knew anyone in there.
E: You'll make new friends.
S: Yeah.

After school, sangjin waited for her friends at the gate of the school. Emily came out, and then later , it rose.

R: omg guys, I just met the cutest boy in my class!

Rose was giggling Emma and sangjin wad confused and then rose gasped.

R: There he is!

They looked and just saw a random guy she pointed at they both were unimpressed.

R: What?
S: he is not that cute.
E: Yeah, he's meh.
R: What? Come on.
S: Let's go.

They were walking back to sangjins' place because they all wanted to hangout, they enter the house and saw that kimmy was the only one home she was sleeping in her room.

S: we'll I guess my parents are not home yet.
R: How did kimmy come in?
S: they gave us each the housekey
R: Oh wow.

They were all chilling in her room, just gossiping, then emma grabbed a photo of when sangjin was little, and there they saw a boy in the picture with her.

E: Who's this?
S: Oh, that's my childhood friend. I left him back in korea when I came here
E: Oh.
S: Yeah, our parents were friends in high school, and we pretty much grew up together. we're just 4 years apart.
R: Wait, both yours and his parents were friends?
S: Yeah, they were all a friend group and dated each other.
R: Wow.

Sangjin looked at the picture and smiled then faded away she remembered why she had to stop calling him.

R: Do you guys still get in touch?
S: No, I stopped talking to him at age 6.
E: Oh, why?
S: Let's not talk about it.

Jungkook and his parents were already packing for the move, and their house was half empty.

Jk: Does the school know?
M: Yeah, they do.
D: Don't worry, you have been transferred to a new school already.
M: Did you say goodbye to namjoon, taehyung, and jimin?
Jk: Yeah, they told me we'll keep in touch.
M: That's good.
D: Now let's go to the airport.

They both left the house. jungkook looked at his empty childhood home that he grew up in with sangjin, and then later, they all got to the airport and flew to the states. Later, they finally made it to LA jungkook was out of the airport and looked at the view.

Jungkook pov: I'll find you sangjin...

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